On Monday Pru took me to the Texas State Fair. The Texas State Fair is an annual event that started in 1886. You can easily spend all day there riding rides in the amusement park, trying your hand at the various games, visiting museums and exhibitions, and let's not forget the food! Basically if you can think of it someone has fried it and is selling it at the state fair. Highlights for me included:
- Giant fried smoked turkey leg. Does exactly what it says on the tin, it's a fried turkey leg that will make you feel like one of the Flintstones or Henry the Eight. It defeated me but it was worth a shot. Not sure my doctor would agree though!
- Funnel cake. Basically a donut that's been made by pooring batter through a funnel (see what they did there?) in a spiral pattern to make a pretty cake. We had our topped with strawberries and cream because everybody knows, if it has fruit on it then it's health food.
- Log flume. Nuff said really... Pru and I both went on the log flume and were instantly transformed into little kids. I think I laughed for a good 10 minutes after we got off, although part of that was relief that I'd survived after seeing a sign that said you shouldn't ride the log flume with high blood pressure...
- The feeling I'd wandered into Bioshock Infinite. Fortunately, nobody was shooting at me and I didn't see any Iron Patriots but the look and feel of the place were right from the game (I know, I know, the fair came first)
- Big Tex - he's massive, animatronic, and he talks. Best mascot EVER!
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