Emileremy's Elective Fun
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Sydney, New South Wales

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Christchurch, New Zealand
Carmen Wow! That chocolate place sounds wonderful - am planning my visit as I type - oh wait a minute... I've spent all my money in America, where the chocolate isn't nearly as nice! Oh no! What a mistake! Glad you are both having a lovely time. I suppose by now you are in India (I suspect the chocolate opportunities are not nearly as plentiful?). x
re: Sydney, New South Walesanna It's so good to see you in the sunshine again! Your photos are stunning & what a great time you are both having! Can you bring back a large chocolate vat for us? Any flavour, but preferably Ciobar, will do.
re: Sydney, New South WalesMummy B G'day mates!! Sounds like you are packing lots into a short time. Amazing photos of the zoo. Cant wait to see more. Have a fantastic time at the opera, and enjoy your last few hours in OZ. XXXX
re: Sydney, New South Walesbin lid loved the photos.How many calories inthe chocolate drink?Jez looks well & truly scalped!
re: Sydney, New South WalesCarmen Wow! Sounds lovely. Hope you are enjoying it all. Must be nearly your Sidney Opera experience?! x
re: rotarua, New ZealandMummy B Just what the Doctors ordered !!!!! Sounds idealistic. Lucky you. xxx
re: The Coramandel, New Zealandmummy B CASINO !!!! Sounds like a lucky escape ! You may have been walking home!! Glad you enjoyed the meal. The hazelnut sounds delicious.
re: Auckland, New Zealandanna spelling correction: Auckland! Lovely name Coromandel - I hope that you have taken lovely snaps!
re: The Coramandel, New Zealandanna how exotic! it was good that you had a chance to relax and enjoy the newness of it all.
re: rotarua, New Zealandanna sounds like just what you needed after the cold spell in Aukland. i hope the van is comfortable! it's a very good start. Enjoy the next bits.
re: The Coramandel, New ZealandDad G Acid or alkaline, both take your skin off. Did you go pink or blue as per litmus paper?
re: rotarua, New ZealandCarmen Hi Em and Jez Sounds like your are still having a great time ... as well as chocolate!!! Looks like you have seen some fabulous scenery too! Mum says you are having a good time and experiencing lots in the eye hospital too Em. Enjoy your last week and I can't wait to see some blog entries for your 14 day camper van trip! Enjoy it all. Lots of Love Carmen x
re: Auckland, New ZealandEmily The stuffed possom was for you Laura. "It's the possoms in the attic again..." (not this one though, cuz this one's dead)xxx
re: Auckland, New ZealandLaura A stuffed possom AND a chocolate vending machine!! yessssssssss!! Doesn't get better than that!! xxx
re: Auckland, New Zealand- last visited

- travel plan
- Los Angeles, California
- Auckland, New Zealand
Mummy B G'day mates!! Sounds like you are packing lots into a short time. Amazing photos of the zoo. Cant wait to see more. Have a fantastic time at the opera, and enjoy your last few hours in OZ. XXXX
anna It's so good to see you in the sunshine again! Your photos are stunning & what a great time you are both having! Can you bring back a large chocolate vat for us? Any flavour, but preferably Ciobar, will do.
Carmen Wow! That chocolate place sounds wonderful - am planning my visit as I type - oh wait a minute... I've spent all my money in America, where the chocolate isn't nearly as nice! Oh no! What a mistake! Glad you are both having a lovely time. I suppose by now you are in India (I suspect the chocolate opportunities are not nearly as plentiful?). x