I am pleased to here you are both Having a wonderfull time.
It has been a while since your last journal entry but as usual it was worth waiting for.
I had to laugh when you were describing the toilets in the Bush as if you had never had a pee outside before. Then you mentioned one night Fuzzy slept away from you all perhaps it was the smell only Joking Ha! Ha! Ha!.
I was at Ian & Shona`s last night when he was posting a message on here it took him ages to send that short message but you will have to excuse him he is just learning how to use his computer.
I am sure they they will get longer and more interesting when he gets to master it.
Not a lot going on in Annan that I can tell you about. The only thing of interest the now as far as I am concerned is Annan Athletic FC reaching the Final of the Qualifying Cup at Fir Park Motherwell and they play Morton in the Second round of the Scottish Cup at Galabank on December 9th, which I will miss because I will be in Tenerife when the game is played I am gutted about that bad planning.
Fuzzy might be interested about that little bit of news but maybe a bit boring yor you Emma.
I can`t think of anything else that will interest you.
Both of you take care.
Ian,shona & Charlie
hi emma and fuzzy looks like your having a good time, great bungee jump keep it going
Ian Stitt
hello Emma
Theresa,ross And Millie-Ann
Hello, Once again am typing blind. Have no bloody idea why all my screens on the internet have shrunk. Anybody any suggestions And it is really tiny!1 Have looked at internet properties but to no avail.Sureit's Millie's doing as she is extremely interested in the computer now and when I am on it presses every button she can get near! She's watching Balamory at the mement drinking a cup of tea with her legs hanging over her pink armchair- quitethe thing! Just been loooking up how to nominate someone for a queens honour for my consultant. It's pretty easy just phone for a form. He totally deserves an honour, working single handed for 20 years and he's 60 next month so thought would make it memorable for him. Quite excited about doing it actually - hope he gets one. Oh dear the terror has arrived so if the words suddenly start going mad it's Millie having a go!
Friday afternoon club with Pam P was a great afternoon. Have to say was in a worse state than if was with Pam O. Was actually seeing double by 7pm but still managed to make tea for Ross who was working until then. Don't think he would quite believe the nick of me and I only had one bottle of wine over 4 hours (well maybe another couple glasses to finish off a bottle too) Everytime I blog you I seem to be on a raging alcoholic binge- but am good now and don't drink during the week as a rule (unless had particularly bad day at woek) and not even every weekend (am I reassuring myself or you there?? Anyway it's a quiet weekend this week with no plans for anything except aa spot of gardening. The weather is still fab here - the joys of global warming- so my garden is still looking very nice. Of course you'll be heading fore Summer there, how lovely. Only 10 weeks to Christmas too. Think Millie will be sent into a complete frenzy over it this year. We're buying her a bike as since Centerparcs she goes hyper every time a bike passes her in the street. That's her away back to the tele in the huff because I wouldn't let her near the PC. Little Robots on now - quite enjoy that myself. Guess I should go and get dressed and then we'll take Beth for her walk. Fair want another German Shepherd but seems to be falling on deaf ears. Apparently there's 2 looking for homes at Glencaple. I'd probably end up with both of them! Ok, will email next week and get your postcards updated you lazy thing. Seems I am main contributor to this site at the moment on both sides!!! Take care and safe travelling xxxxx
Hi Em, havent read your site in ages, very impressed to hear about the bungee jump, I felt ill reading about it, not sure if i could do it. NZ looks amazing another place to add to my wish list!!! Life here is much the same, Megan is amazing keeping me fit. you can see some pictures of her on www.krissilundgren.co.uk/harveyandmegan.html
(I know what your thinking Harvey!!)
Take care
The Mcleans
Hi Guys,
Sounds and looks like you are having a absolute ball!!!
Findlay is getting big, he really is superb!
Fuzzy we are missing you at football but not too much!
Emma by the looks of it you tan is really coming along, Susie is really jealous.
Believe you are having some mad visitors in Dec,
Keep in touch guys.
Theresa,ross And Millie-Ann
Well you've had a bad week for messages! I can't actually see what I'm typing today so apologise in advance for spelling mistakes-for some reason the blog is on a tiny screen. I've obviously knocked some button that's shrunk it and I have no clue whatsoever in how to get it back to normal. Will have to consult Helen or Bob my IT department and helpline!
It being a friday i am emailing from home. Millie-Ann is still asleep and I've managed to do a spot of housework and enjoy a cup of tea in peace! Ross is at work and Millie and I are off shopping with mum in Dumfries today.
Pam Paterson is coming round for a Friday afternoon club as my dear pal Pam is unable to participate for the next 8 months! Feel quite guilty actually as if I am betraying her but there you go that's what happens when you get pregnant. Sef naturally is chuffed to bits. I'm waiting for him to sprout feathers on his chest and start strutting!!
Had a nice time last Saturday. Was not as drunk as normal- maybe because had a BIG tea beforehand-amazing how food helps keep you sober! The best laugh though was when Carol-Ann came to get ready here. She came for her tea and to change and would you believe she brought a full size suitcase with her! Even me her devoted sister pointed out that perhaps this was going a bit far. But true to form she managed to produce aboput 50 outfits from this suitcase millions of shoes and bags (lucky for me as I borrowed one). Thought we were in an episode of Mr. Ben and was looking for a doorway in Millies bedroom into the magic world! Who else do you know would bring a full suitcase to get ready for a night out. She wasn't even staying the night!
So we went out and I was drinlking vodka- a beverage i have avoided since Millie's head wetting night- and although I admit I was a bit drunk, the overwhelming urge was to have chips n gravy from the chinkey! So off I went home at midnight first popping in to said takeaway and armed with my wee tinfoil dish and plastic fork stumbled up the road. Only to have a major result at the railway bridge with my neighbours driving home and giving me a lift. There I was cheerfully gibbering and insisting I wasn't too drunlk only to discover when I got in I had great huge splashes of congealed gravy stucck to my chin!!! Obviously was a bit worse than I thought!
Was meant to be going out this weekend with Lynne K, Kelly and Claire A agian but unable to attend which is probably a good thing given the state I was in last time though am a bit sad am missing it. Been assured there will be another one before xmas (only 12 weeks away).
Ross has been a major handyman and has stripped and painted all the wooden frames of our windows downstairs. And it only took him 2 weeks- he seems to be improving on his time management skills-says he's got upstairs t do next. Rather him than me in the winds we get here. However he is talking about borrowing scaffolding! Think will rename him Bob the Builder then Millie can sing to him as he works!!
Anyways, that's me for this week. Hope you're both ok. Miss you lots especially our visits to Edinburgh and naturally the alcohol binges!! Anyway take care and safe travelling xxxxx
Theresa,ross And Millie-Ann
Back to normal weekly emails. Not that you'll be able to read them if it's taking many years to drive over the outback to reach your destination! Am in usual cupboard (think people think I joke about my cupboard but it is indeed a glorified cupboard that, before I came, held all the cleaning utensils for the department and has no windows) and having a late lunch - munching as I type. Believe it is pouring down and windy but here in my cupboard I am having a heatwave and slowly getting a tan (it's great to have a vivid imagination).
It has been an eventful and somewhat tiring week for both myself and Ross as Millie-Ann has had chicken pox. Much better now and at least they are out of the way while swhe's young (this was the mantra I repeated to myslef overthe 3 nights of mega sleep deprevation which even woke up Ross - amazing I know!!) The spots are quite amazing as they literally just develop before your eyes. I ahve seen loads of chicken pox on my immunocompromised pateints and am sure they don't develop as quick! At least she didn't itch too much so hopefully no scars for life. The most valuable lesson I learnt from this is that when she is really ill she alwaqys wants Ross and not her everyday slave (me). We have both concluded this is because she thinks it's my fault she is ill. Oh, I've such a lot to look forward to over the coming years.
We now have to jump around the house with her like a kangaroo and also play racing games from wall to wall in the living room!! She's quite barmy and I have no idea where she gets it from.
Am of out on a girls night this Saturday as it is Jennifers 30th. Am looking forward to this immensly as am sure will require vast amounts of alcohol to be consumed and it's been a while. Not even managed a Friday afternoon club of late for one reason or another and so am definitely getting withdrawal symptoms!
Ross is 30 next month and is quite insistant it is just another day and he wants no clebrations. We'll have to see about that (can put all this in your blog because he never reads it. I usually print your emails off and take them home for him- then he goes green and says he does not want to read anymore or see photos. It's a terribly damaging thing jealousy).
The new series of what not to wear has started and Trinny and Sussanah (my heroes) have been replaced by 2 other girls Mica Paris is one but no idea who the other is. The reason I mention this is because they had a very rotund lady on and put her into this fantastic corset which made her very shapely and slim and now I really really want one to obviously show off my curvacious assetts. This seems a much quicker and less challenging solution than returning to Weight Watchers. So watched one episode and totally hooked as usual. Will be off shopping tomorrow in the hope of transforming myself. Will not have Carol-Ann with me as I am still recovering from last onslaught and obviously need her to critically analyse my Christmas party outfit, when I will have my steel skin on to deflect her comments.
Not much else happening I'm afraid and now I'm off to see a patient so will be in touch again soon. Happy and safe travelling. xxxxx
Paul In Bali
Hey Emma and Fuzzy!!
How r u doing back in Australia? Been 2 Cape Trib? And heading for the outback Now??Been surfing in Bali...improved even more than with the snowboard.. And have a new best mate... The toilet... s*** Food!!
CHeers Paul
Theresa,ross And Millie-Ann
There's me calling everybody for not correspondong you regularly and then I don't email for 3 weeks. How bad is that?
However I have been on holiday, and then returned to a week of chaos at work, so think that entitles me to a bit of lee way........
Can't believe you did a bungee jump Em you brave thing. Doubt I could even look overthe bridge never mind jump off it!!
Our holiday was great but I have to say it brought back particular memories of when I was young and Mum saying self catering holidays are no holidays for Mums. How true this is. As I spent a feverish 4 days prior to going sorting out everything at work and then packing as only the Woodman family can pack I began to feel I needed a wee holiday to recover before I actually went on holiday!! Ross did have the daunting task of fitting all the essential stufff we needed to take in the car and he did a fine job-even managing to create breathing space for Millie! So we got to center parcs and moved into our fabulous wooden lodge with surrounding forest.
As Ross admired his bike (with seat on the back for Millie) and the surrounding nature, and planned his itinery, I was busy unpacking and feeding us all! By the 2nd day I threw a little tantrum, Ross took the hint and started pulling his weight. Millie adored it and has obviously inherited the dare devil spirit from her Dad as she hurtled down 30 foot slides and water shoots (me thinking she was heading for a head injury or drowning episode) she was laughing her head off and insisting on more!! The only thing she didn't like was seeing her Dad 50 foot up in the sky doing a mad climbing ropes thing. That made her cry and wail very loudly for her 'Daddy' resulting in everyone looking at us and tutting as we were disturbing the concentration. Had to drag her away and pacify her with the slides (which instantly cured the tears). I myslef had a pleasurable hours break on the pony trek. This was after climbing a sheer cliff of ab out a mile and following mud tracks for a further mile before arriving at the stables in naturally an absolute downpour(the only day it rained). But it was worth it even though I was soaked through by the time I got back. I recommend Center parcs to everyone. It's such good fun to go. Having cycled and walked and ridden all week I lost 5lb! Only another 5000lb to go and I may hit my target. Millie's swimming came on brilliantly too and when I took her for her lesson on Sat at Annan she was swimming fair well.
Millie is now talking sentences and instructing us where we can stand or sit around the house. Her hair is halfway down her back now and is still curly. And she has definitely got her Mums temper (poor poor Ross). Last week she actually fell out with me. She was ramming a butter knife down her throat and was told off twice, so third strike I took it off her, only to have her glare at me forever after. Not only that everytime I spoke or looked at her she loudly yelled NO and turned away for me sooking up to Ross!! This went on until she wanted juice and she then re-employed me as her slave and grudgingly acknowledged me again! Then on Saturday she peed in the potty. Now I know this sounds like extreme news but as all those Mums out there will tell you peeing in the potty is a very big event. As I was running round the living room cheering my head off, Ross was contemplating having me locked away! And Millie was busy washing her hands in the potty! Anyway it's all a learning curve! She's 2 in 8 weeks - how has that happened and am planning party to rival last years. Shame you can't come.
Anyway as you may have gathered I am naturally doing this on NHS time so better go and finish up for the day.
Safe travelling and dare devilling xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Snow Police
Who stole Fuzzys snowboarding gear!! There is no way he managed to get that much air and land without looking like a prat!
Get a hair cut and have a shave!!
Em, you look fab as ever!!!
The latest photos ar great. Has Fuzzy run out of razor blades.