The North Island adventures are sadly coming to a close, however the the fun and games continue!! Currently in Wellington, a fabulous and vibrant city with lots to offer! Water blesses the city on each side with the native bush surrounding the city which makes for great adventure and scenic views!
We travelled down from Hamilton after an emotional goodbye to the Wilson Family who were wonderful! We took the TransScenic Train which was fantastic, the scenery was magical and the commentary added to an amazing journey! A brief spotting of "Kevin", the trains biggest fan waving and jumping to greet us and we arrived in Palmerston North. Due to a track derailment we were forced to catch the intercity bus for the remainder of the journey.
A couple of days trekking in the bush high in the mountains around Wellington, followed by a visit to the local High School has made for an interesting time! The views across the city are awesome, we hit some fantastic weather so this made for sensational viewing and trekking. A ferry trip across to Days Bay thrown in there just because we can! another glorious day and yet more hiking!! This time to the lighthouse at the bottom of the North Island.. Yes we can now say we've travelled the length of the North Island!! Woop Woop! It must've been the windiest place in the world when we arrived on top of the hill, that would've been great to have been blown off the top once we'd reached the penultimate!! A strong wind did nothingr for our trip back!
A miserable day mid week (the only one!) led us to take shelter in the museums and Im so glad we did. Te Papa is the best museum I've ever been to and would certainly recommend all who travel down here to check it out! We spent a couple of hours there playing on all the interactive displays and then even went back!! The geography of the country fascinates me.. Yes I am a tad geeky! Plate tectonics and land formations are awesome!! New Zealand has on average 15,000 earthquakes per year recorded!! Crazy facts! We've had many since arriving, thankfully nothing too big though!! Volcanoes also inspire me to learn more, so Im certainly in the right place for that! Whilst in Te Papa we took the "High Ride" a simulator and what a scream!! Basically we paid to be thrown around in a chair for 10minutes! Ha! Very funny though!
Heading to Palmerston to catch the final game of the netball series! The series currently stands at 1-1 after two incredible contests seeing England beaten by 39 points in the first test!! Yes 39!! But they went all out in the second test winning by 2! This leads to an exciting final game today, woop woop! Im excited! Netball in both Australia and New Zealand is a different game and gets the coverage it deserves, back page news! Looking forward to another cracking sporting event!
The South Island is next and another opportunity to libe the life of a "Park Daler"!!
- comments
Vanda Super les filles!!! Est ce incsdiret de vous demander e0 quel prix vous avez re9ussi e0 les avoir??? On regarde e7a nous aussi, et ils ont monte9 depuis qu'on a fait notre budget :SQuelle compagnie, quel vol, etc Merci!!! Et e2chez pas!!!!Les complices des dunes