Be sure to wear a ribbon in your hair!!
San Francisco is one of my favourite cities in the world, the spectacular Golden Gate Bridsge wins the title on its own! The Californian lifestyle is one which I could get used to. The relaxed and hassle free attitude is one to admire. Again the state is so different from any other Ive visited. Not just the landscape, which due to the hot hot summers is very dry and sandy.. But the people too, relaxed, freindly but you do getthe feeling that they're not genuine with their promises. A very out of sight out of mind outlook. Im not sure if these people have any true friends?!
Los Angeles.. Not sure how to comment on the few days we spent here.. A dump!! Once you've seen Hollywood, you've seen it!! The weather was great and after a small error in choice of hostel.. The Backpackers Paradise in Inglewood (far cry from paradise is all I'll say) we made it to the very poplular beach resort, Venice Beach. Steve and I, trying to make expense cuts to the travel budget, decided to walk from Playa Del Rey to Venice Beach! Yes it didnt look too far on the map, but once you've set off with your bags you feel every mile! A great work out in the heat of the day!! Once there the beach impressed me, and there was plenty of entertainment for us along the front! The hostel here was exactly what you needed, a bed, somewhere to shower and an safe environment. It was also clean, which was a major difference from the Paradise we'd left behind us in Inglewood!!
It was another tick box and we can now say that we've been to Hollywood!!
Next stop New Zealand! Now Im excited!!!
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