I don't really have much to say today. I woke up and it was raining very heavily so decided that driving on ice in this weather was not the best plan for the day... nor was spending £50 for a day's ski pass to ski in the rain!
I did however meet a French couple who I will be going to Jasper with tomorrow! :-) Yay! I don't have to drive on ice by myself anymore! The plan is to drive up and get lots of photos then head back to Banff in the evening so that we're not carrying our stuff back and forth.
My day was mainly spent planning the next few weeks. Having pretty much given up on the season thing and pinning my hopes on an Olympic job, I am looking at seeing as much of Canada as financially and physically possible before Christmas. Northern Lights and polar bears are out. Well northern lights might happen but I am not going to chase them and right now it is just too cloudy! However, last weekend was definitely the last chance to see Polar Bears this year :-(
I am going to go to Calgary on Sunday for the day. I've been told not to spend any longer there because there is nothing to see. However I am staying with a friend of Julia's who has now moved to Calgary to be with her Canadian boyfriend. I met Katharina a couple of times when I was in Bremen visiting Julia a couple of years ago so it's nice of her to put me up for the night and show me the 'real' Calgary.
From Calgary I will then go to Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto, including a trip to Niagara Falls. At least this is the plan so far... but of course, sod's law and all, now that I have made these plans and looked up transpoort and hostels everywhere, I am now receiving emails in reply to one's I sent 3 weeks ago, about accomodation in Whistler :-S Not sure it is worth heading all the way back over though in case it doesn't work out and I've missed my opportunity to travel. Just really hoping to get an Olympic job now.
That's the extent of my chat today I'm afraid. I will hopefully have something more interesting to tell you all about tomorrow.
Take care
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