I can't write much as I am going to be kicked off the internet in 5 minutes...
I am now in Banff :-) So far I love it. I can't see much of it because it's almost 11pm but there's a nice vibe. The hostel I am staying in is really lively too with things happening every night: accousitic nights, movie nights, cocktail nights etc... I am tempted to stay here a few nights and see surrounding sights from here where I might be able to actually socialise and have a drink :-)
The bus from Vernon to Banff was 7 hours but it passed surprisingly quick. New Moon of course helped as well as the stunning scenery as we went through the Rockies. We were just surrounded by mountains and tall snow covered trees. I really wanted to photograph it but the bus was moving too fast. I don't think a photo would have been able to capture just how absolutely mesmerising it was. The sun sets quite early here so by 4pm it was already getting quite dark which only added to the experience. I love seeing mountains at night, there's a certain mystery about them. The fact that I had been reading about vampires and werewolves also helped the mystery of the darkness and the trees and mountains!! Just to get you in the mood, I was taking in the scenery while listening to some chilled stuff by Nine Inch Nails ( yes they do chilled rock as well!) and Mogwai... the perfect soundtrack for the drive I thought. (No Van Morrisson this time!)
Anyway, I will give you more updates tomorrow. I am being kicked off now.
Goodnight :-)
- comments
Your UCA No Van Morrison?!? You poor thing. ;-)