It is slightly colder than we expected here and its safe to say we don't have the best clothes with us for keeping warm, maybe we should've brought a few more long sleeved clothes- we forgot that after living on a beach for nearly 5 months we would have to come back to reality and maybe some bad weather now and again. So thank you mom for coming to our rescue by buying us a coat each, where would i be without you, an ice cube maybe? They have just arrived, and i can't believe it, they have come all the way from Barnsley!! out of all the shops and websites i manage to pick basically the next town…typical. We have visited the centre of Sydney today and done all the touristy things, visited the opera house, been under the boat on a feet, fish and chips in the bay, and of course a little bit of shopping! We also now have Australian number so wont be using our english ones until we are home, if anyone would like it mine is +61451075060. We also have set up a joint bank account, how grown up!! We are flying up to Brisbane of the 21st, hopefully the weather is nicer up there as QLD is the sunshine state!
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