Phom Penh:
After our final sleeping bus we arrived in Phom Penh early on Saturday 27th September. Luckily we could check into our room straight away. After a nap we we in search of some street food and ended up at a strange Chinese restaurant. We were the only western people and ordered a tiny little roll...all the cambodians stared at us like we were mad. Then we got a tuk tuk with a random guy from our room to the famous cambodian killing fields. We were given a radio each and went on a tour around the fields where there were different stops where we heard what had happened where we were stood and some really sad stories from the Cambodian people. We also saw some mass graves and a tall building in the middle where the skulls were stored. It was very sad. We went into the museum and then heading back on the tuk tuk to our hostel.
We went to look for food again and ended up eating a pot noodle outside a minimart chatting the this random women. After getting lost and being directed back to our hostel, we went to the bar for a drink. We had tried to get a Cambodian shot glass by the killing fields but the shop had shut when we came out and we were very annoyed. The barmen gave us some plain shot glasses so we decided we would paint them ourselves instead.
After packing for the millionth time we went to bed and woke up at 6am for our flight to Singapore!
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