Hello again people!.. know it has been awhile since my last entry but really that is because i really haven't done anything interesting since! how depressing is that!. still not really done anything interesting yet to encourage me to write this blog apart from teh fact that i should try and update you with what i am doing maybe, just in case you are interested.
so since my trip up the coast i have moved house about 3 times!! moved into a hostel back in Kings cross (my favourite part of sydney). hostel was called the jolly swagmans and we stayed there for about 3 weeks in total i think. hostel living wasn't too bad but i just isn't teh same second time round. last time i lived in teh cross was one of the best times of my life and so not to ruin previous memories me and phil (girl from ireland) decided to house hunt and move into a shared house instead. so after the hostel we moved into a house in Ultimo (near darling harbour) and have been there for about 2 weeks now, and its good. live with 2 english lads who are great, 2 irish lads which are ok and one bloke from the maldives who is never in so not sure what he is like!!!! the place isn't the cleanest or tidiest ever, so we also have to share with quite a few cockroaches and other creepy crawlies but its bearable i guess and alot cheaper than the hostel so hoepfully will help me save some money.
i am working in an office at the mo just doing really boring data entry type stuff but its my last week this week so hopefully will find something more interesting to start next week! and teh plan is to work till teh end of june, then go over to perth for a bit, then meet my friends parents in Kalgoorlie (WA) to go gold digging with them for 2 weeks!! how cool is that!! can't wait. and then hoepfully i will have enough money saved from working to afford my flight home! but hopefully popping up to darwin first and maybe aryes rock if i can! so much to do and no money to do it!!.
anyway thats me so far, not very exciting but polodding along and at least i can see some light in teh end of the tunnel which i couldn't a few weeks ago!. so all i sgood.
hope everthing at home is good for everyone! let me know what your news is people!! anyway take care and ta ta for now!
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