So this is it my last entry on this website. I am in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur to be precise as my stopover to break up the horrible flight home!
So Kuala Lumpur looks really nice and the guest house i am in is lovely would like to stay here longer but guess that isn't possible realy so never mind! Did sightseeing today and walked for miles, knackered now but going out again in a bit to do some market shopping and get some malasian food which will hopefully be lovely as i am starving! And then up early tomorrrow to catch my 12pm flight how exciting
So goodbye everybody i shall be on the same soil as you very soon and look forward to seeing you all and catching up properly very soon
So i guess its over and out from me, its been a pleasure, thank you for tuning in for my rants and stories, much appreciated
lots of love, me
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