So the last couple of days we hav been in Noosa, we stayed at Dolphins which was really nice, one of the best hostels we have stayed in. Our first day there we just had a look around the shops in th emain town, bought a jumper and some leggings because the wheather is getting so cold now, kev got some jeans too. We then had some dinner at the hostel and had an early night, think we were both still tired from fraiser lol.
Yesterday we got up and went for a walk around Noosa national park which was a really nice walk we saw a dolphin along the way,and ended up walking acroos a noodest beach lol, which we didnt realise until kev spotted some naked men walking up the beach lol. We then made our way out getting lost on the way lol so are walk took about 4 hours lol. So when back at the hostel we rented some films and relaxed for the rest of the day before getting another early night.
Today we got on our bus and we our now in Brisbane, We our staying in Base central, which is quite nice, it has a nightclub underneith so we are going to go there tonight. We took a walk to south bank parklands today which is only about 15 minutes away from our hostel, they had some street enteratiners, which was really good and some market stalls. We are currently in Mcdonalds so we can get the free wifi as we had some many blogs to do. Briisbane is so much more buillt up then any other place we have been in oz, so its nice for a change, lots of shops and people about. We are going to head to surfers paradise in a couple of days time so we will ring jason and mell in a day or so. Cant beleive micheal jackson is dead we were talking about him and his concert to our bus driver just before texts started coming through saying he had died which was really strange. Miss everyone at home loads, glad dad got his presents, cant wait to see the room bet its going to look lovely. love you lots, we cant ring out on kevs phone at the moment and we missed your call so ring back soon love you lots and lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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