Well we have spent the last week in Sydney its really good here, on our first day. which was a friday we went on a city walk with our hostel which was really good, they showed us about and gave us some information on what to do and stuff. We went to the market, china town, darling harbour, the main shopping centre, then got some lunch and ate on the steps of the opera house and then went through the botanic gardens, where we saw loads of bats and our first big spiders lol, we also fed the birds in the park, they didnt like kev tho as one bit his finger and then another lant on his sholder and bit his ear lol and then we went back to our hostel.
Saturday we spent most of the day shopping, we went to the market which was really good and went into the main town as well, i got some jeans and a top, kev got some tracky bottoms as its so cold here. That night we was supposed to go out with the people in our room but after spending to much money in the day we gave it a miss, just had a drink with them in our room. They all came back sayin the club they went to was ribbish tho and it was really expensive and they all spent loads of money lol so we was glad we didnt go.
Sunday we got up and went to the aqarium which was really good, we went on a glass bottom boat over the shark tank and fed some of the other fish which were in there with them. We then went back to the hostel and had another early night.
Monday we bumped into oliie and laura from byron bay which was really good and we went to the chineese gardens, they were really lovely and we all got to dress up as chineese people whcih was funny lol, we had people asking to have photos taking with us lol. We then went back to the main shopping centre to take the top back i bought the other day and i exchanged it for a cardigan, so im a bit warmer now lol. That night i went down to kingscross to see if i could get a job in one of the clubs and they let me work that night so that was good. I met two girls from southampton in there which was really weird as there a year younger than me and know loads of people i do.
Yesterday we booked a tour to the blue mountains, not realising i was going to be wroking the night before and as i never got in til 6 and we had to get the bus at 7 we just got showered and changed and went straight on the tour so i was absoloutly knackerd and there was so much walking lol, the steps were so steep and so many of them, at one point we climbed down the giant staircase which had like 900 steps lol, after not dancing for months and then doing that i can hardly walk today, it was deffinitly a good thigh burning exercise lol. But the veiws of the blue mountains where amazing and we went on this train from the bottom of the 900 steps back up and it was the steepest in the world, so that was gd to go on. We also saw the three sisters which is a rock formation, but we have loads of pics for everyone to see. We got back from the tour at 5 ans got some dinner we eventually got back to our room at 6 and i had 2 hours sleep before getting ready to go back to work. so i was so tired betime id finished, we slept til like 1 30 today lol.
Today we went to the cinema to see ice gae 3 it is really good me and kev think its th ebest out of the three of them. Betime we done that it was 6 so we came back and made some dinner before going on here, were going to have another early night tonight as im still really tired and kevs tired too as hes been coming to pick me up at 5 in the morning lol. We have still got another week in sydney before we head down to melbourne and soon we will be in new zealand. Glad to hear carals birth went well, il have to go and see him when we get home, the room sounds like its coming on well bet it will look lovely when its all done. I tried downloading skype but its not lettin me log in for some reason not sure why. we miss everyone loads at home cant wait to see u. might be home early by the way were going through our money tho lol, were all fine tho still having fun. i will write again soon and let u know what else we have been up to. i love you loads miss you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx elise and kev xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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