well we spent our last day surfing and travelling. We got to the surf camp in the afternoon, checked in straight away and started our lesson. It is alot harder then it looks lol. W got our safety briefing before we started then learnt how to get up on our boards on the sand before taking them into the sea.
It was freezing cold outside and raining and was actually warmer in the water lol. The surf instructors helped us out onto our waves to start with and pushed us into them and told us when to stand up so me and kev both managed to get up at least once lol. After that we pretty much tried to catch our own waves, the current was so strong i got drifted halfway down the beach lol and the waves where massive i couldnt even get my board past them to get on one lol. Kev got a few though and we got some photos which they took of us which were really good. Because i was struggling getting my board out so much the instructors carrid my board out for me quite a few times lol so i had a lot more attempts of falling off my board lol.
After i coulnt actually feel my feet anymore we eventually got out the water althoguh kev was all for stayng in and doing more surfing lol he loved it. I jumoed in the hot shower straight away lol it was so cold. That night we had dinner and went to bed early as there wasnt really anything to do and we had o get up at 6.
We got woken at 6 to get breakfast and had to get on th bus at 7 to make our way to sydney which was a full day on the bus. We stopped for lunch and toilet breaks but we never got into sydney till 4 30 yesterday afternoon. We got some more cheap dinners and free drinks with our oz bus in the club below our hostel last night so that was gd, and our hostel is really nice in th centre of sydney, we have booked a week here but might stay longer. We will put some more pics on now and write about Sydney soon love you lots and miss you loads cant beleive we arent even half way through our trip yet miss evryone loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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