Back home in Tassie for short visit to friends and family, home for 6 weeks. Lovely to be home and see everyone again, especially since I have not seen some for over 12 months.
Travelled home for my brother, Tim's wedding and some other friends who are also getting married. Nice to escape the freezing European winter and bask in the su…
Hi everyone welcome to my website. Here you can read my journals, view my photo albums & see what I've been up to. I have been living in London since January 2006. Enjoying the lifestyle change & looking forward to travelling! I'm working as a registered nurse so work is not too hard to come by, Stay tuned to my website to hear about my travelling adventures. Feel free to jot me a note on the message board. Enjoy! Love Em x
Back home in Tassie for short visit to friends and family, home for 6 weeks. Lovely to be home and see everyone again, especially since I have not seen some for over 12 months.
Travelled home …
Hi everyone Thought it was time for an update on what?s been happening. Last e-mail I wrote I think Clare & were still in Portugal. I?ll just fill you in on the last part of our adventures…
Brian Barnes
My name is Brian Barnes and I live in California. This past summer I was in Europe with a friend and met a guy named Sam Laning. Unfortunately, the email address he gave me doesn't work. I'm trying to find an email address for him and came across a post on a message board from you.
I hope it's the same Sam from Tasmania! If not, I'm sorry to waste your time.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Thank you in advance,
[email protected]
HI THERE again, Emma in England...
Great to see some more photos and that you have enjoyed your time in Italy and also with Mum and Dad! Fantastic... They are home again and it was good to see them come back safe and sound.
All is well in the church, weather is very cold this winter... it is going to be a long one. We are just as busy as ever, I don't know where all the time goes... Liv has about 11 weeks to go now with the new baby coming... is well, and starting to feel a little heavier laden. Ben and Kirkie and Kids are all doing well... everyone here has had some stomack (vomiting and Diaohorea) bugs... Mostly done with now. It went through so many of the young families, as well as some of us seniors!!
Bernie is still not quite 100% well again after having some chest bug and infection in the sinuses for well over three months. We keep on looking to the Lord for his complete helaing.
Still think you a very clever to put all your phots and news journals online like that. Your Italy journal was very well written, too! Excellently done and very interesting...
Give our love also to Clare, Renee, Jono, Josh and any others we may know who are there... I guess you will see a little bit of Sam Laning also from now on, for a while...?
Must close... got a few others to greet... Love always - Susie & B
Hey there, have fun, be careful and stay beautiful. It's great that some of us get the opportunity to travel the world. There are so many amazing things to see and do and so many different people to meet and cultures to experience. I loved my year in Holland and am saving hard to go again. I would love to go to Spain this time round and go back to Paris. Well anyway, got to go and take Danny on a driving lesson now. Take Care, Jess.
Dear EM... & RENEE!
This is great, me being your first LETTER WRITER according to what your message at the top of this tells me, anyway... it may be lying!!! Here we are - saying hello ALL the way from home - dear ol' Aussie... and down under, down under in TASSIE - even down under in TASSIE... right here in the cold and getting colder South!
Glad to see your lovely faces on all the photos... well done EM! You must be clever or have yougot some clever friends?! It is grand to get a bit of an idea of what sort of things you two have been up too, since we saw you last!
Seems like you are having a wonderful time of travel and exploring this big world together! How blessed you are... to be able to go and do some of that looking here and there... GLad you are playing it safe and mostly going with others into those places... OOOh - so creepy for young girls - some of the stories we have heard in our travels...
DO take care and keep wise about your movements... We know that the Lord is looking after you... but you need to listen to His still small voice.... and not be irresponsible.
Em you will probably have Dad and Mum arriving and visiting with you soon, as they have already left home here... it is great that you can put all those photos on the net... I really enjoy having a look, so thanks!
Bernie has gone to bed, he got tired after a big week preparing and then today the funeral of old MRS Toos Fluks, remember her...? Jeanne VdK's mother (Natasha's Oma). It was a nice funeral, with not a very large crowd of people. Very meaningful to the family and those who came and it was lovely to hear peoples' comments and participate in all that for the family too.
I just got a letter from Meik & Jos too, they are getting ready to come home by the sounds of things, with Buba on the way. Tell Renee that Ben and Kirk and family are doing fine... I am minding the kids for them while they go away to Melb for a few days in a few weeks time... 10-13 June.
Will sign off, we are doing well, God is good all the time! His goodness never fails. Hope that you are grazing in the green pastures of His word, Em - and keeping yourself strong for Him.
Will write also to Clare soon. Remember you are blessed to be a blessing! And I loved those 'poses' of you and RENEE... keep on smiling!
Blessings and cheers... we love you and pray often for your safety and well-being in spirit, soul and body! Love SUSIE XOXO