Kan ek solank my plek bespreek - julle fotos bly net eenvoudig ongelooflik!
Helna Upfold
hoop jy het lekker verjaar Joey! Ek is baie jaloers. Sit hier in n office so groot soos n skoendoos! EN kyk hoe julle twee duik en snaakse goed eet! Wanneer is julle terug in SA? Ons sal n plan moet maak om julle te sien as ons daar is in Desember. Lekker Kuier!
Marie Van Rooyen
Happy Birthday Joey!! Veelsgeluk !!! ######## (hierdie rekenaar het nie die chinese letters nie>
Was lekker om met julle te kon gesels en te hoor dat die goed gaan. Die fotos van Combodia ongelooflik, die afkoppe manne en mooimeisie koppe, ou Max en die mees ongelooflike, hoekom het hulle nie gekeer dat die bome die plekke so toe groei nie?? Ongelooflik! thanks.
Ons het , dit is nou Papa, Mama, Ous, Riette en Francois, op jou 'n glasie geklink. Mag al die goeie wense wat jou toegewens is op hierdie dag, vermenigvuldig en die baie seeninge jou toegebid, waar word. Baie liefde, uit die Kaap.
3 Musdebeers
Hi Joey
Skies ons is 'n dag laat, maar het gister die hele dag aan jou gedink, net nie by die rekenaar uitgekom nie. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!! what a way to spend it. Het gekyk na al julle foto's en die video. So bly om te sien julle doen die duik ding. Ons kan nie wag om saam met julle in Mosambiek te duik nie. Joey, hoop jy het 'n great jaar en dat hierdie toer die begin van groot dinge is vir die toekoms.
Baie liefde, mis julle, love you lots!!!!!!
3 MusdeBeers
Ousus Marelize
Happy Happy Happy!
Hi Swaer, hoop jy het heerlike verjaarsdag in Bangkok gehad in transit na India... Mag die beste van die jaar wat verby is die slegste wees van die jaar vorentoe!
Baie liefde, Marelize
Joey And Germarie
Hi Responders,
Wow, good comeback to the "virtual ass-kicking" we tried to give. Thank you all so much, it is really appreciated as we are a bit disconnected and not sure if anyeone is actually reading.
In Siem Reap in Cambodia at the moment. Blogs and videos ready to upload, but the speed is a bit slow.
Thanks again!
Hello guys! It feels that you are living life at its fullest! This is so great....and kind of sad for all of us who only are specators. You are currently in Vietnam (my better half), and I really wish I could be there now ....the food, the fruits, the peoples....ten years I haven't been there! It probably changed a lot.
I will continue to take my breaks reading your adventures as it is now officially my addiction!!
Health safety and fun to bnoth of you!!
Marni Bezuidenhout
Hi julle! Ek het so die afgelope tyd gedink aan julle, maar die blog-ding is nuut en ek was baie blond. Is mos ook meer van 'n Facebooker! Anyway, het noudie aand met Schalk en Ilse gesels oor julle trip. Toe figure ons uit julle doen actually 'n "overland" terug na SA?? Is dit wat julle doen?So that's probably blonde moment number 2. Schalk is mal oor travel, toe "map" hy nou julle waarskynlike roete terwyl hy 'n glinster in die oog kry. Julle foto's is amazing. Julle is braaf en wys en avontuurlustig.I'll keep watching this space.
Tot later.
Rob Reinders
HI Mary and Joey,
It looks like you are having a great time! Enjoy and be safe, I'll keep enjoying your trip vicariously!
Hi, Joey and Germarie,
I saw your photos and vidoes and all of them are so wonderful! You are realy taking real lives!
Do you know, today Nicole and I talked with Lisa and Charles that we will leave Propack in August. It was really a coincidence that we made a decision at the same time. Nicole will run her own little shop, while I will go to Beijing to learn fashion design for one year. Maybe this is the beginning of our real lives :)
It's also exciting to see the pictures of annual dinner games. You also pasted a picture for my program and I am so glad and proud of it! It's really a nice memory for me.
I will visit your website in the following time and I feel it's such an instreasting thing to talk with you in this way : P
Enjoy your every wonderful day!
Max & Shenzi
Dear Mommy & Daddy,
Auntie Marelize offered to send you a quick message to let you know we are OK! We had a great time visiting with Oupa Gert & Michael last week while Ouma was in the UK visiting the new baby Karla. We had to stay with them because auntie Elna had visitors with another dog and didn't want any trouble, but it was ok because we also saw Leo & Portchie even if it was only from the other side of the fence in Oupa's back yard.
Take care, we miss you lots and can't wait to have you back home.
Love, Max & Shenzi
PS - it's ok if you want to play with other dogs when you miss us, 'cause we play with Auntie Elna...
Serious Health Warning!
A generous bout of flu with everything blocked up can not be present when you watch these videos. Given the fact that breathing is problematic in the current state, together with sneezing and coughing - adding a bout of hilarious laughter can be very dangerous for ones health as there isn't enough airways available to handle a blocked nose, sneezing, coughing and laughing simultaneously!!!!
Alle grappies op 'n stokkie, ek het al die skimpe gevang en besluit om my kant te bring. Alle videos en fotos wat ek gemis het is vanmiddag gekyk en dit is absoluut stunning! veral mal oor die groenes - spesifiek green with envy.
So, keep on updating us, have great fun on behalf of all of us back home and keep on showing us what we are missing - making us truly green with envy!