Greetings travellers!
Just had quite a laugh at photos and messages - congratulations Tidy, and Sam, think that the smell of coffee and baking bread is supposed to help with house sales - give it a go and maybe get some locks on those cupboard doors!
Roob, pleased to see you holding a gun - oh Christ, as well as balancing rather skilfully on the back of a motorbike - the photos look great and i can't wait for the tales on your return.
Quick bit of updating - got my GP interview on Wed - yes, I'm attempting to join the dark side and no, the £250,000 pay packet had nothing to do with it........ or the hours.... lack of nights......etc etc but who knows have got to consult with a simulated patient - am very tempted to interview a stimulated patient, think that might be a lot more entertaining. Then have got 30 mins of group work (who can shout the loudest and look the best) and then more questions to answer, hell they've made it a lot more difficult to get in now, this is round 3!! Anyway, am doing Rheumatology at the mo so anything for a day off from that hell hole is a bonus. Am rapidly doing consults for my ma's friends - gammy knees £5 and dodgy shoulders £3.50 each or £6 for 2.
Right enough shop talk, exciting news, am going on hols with Miccy in 2 weeks - 1 week all inclusive to Tunisia, cheap deal off t'internet, aim is to get brown and relax - much the same as yours but the culture element has been firmly removed form our holiday - think we're in the middle of nowhere but apparently only 300 yards from Tunisia's only Ice Rink! Well that's a reason for a visit if nothing else!
Ok, am going to have to go to work now, effusions beware! have a fantastic rest of trip and can't wait for more updates. Looking forward to a reunion party on your return.
Big waves, hugs and friendly punches to all the associates on the message board, surely the Bowman Adventures and their fan base will get noticed soon by Spielberg and immortalised on film!
Could maybe throw that one to the crowd - who could play Roob & Ed....... answers on a postcard!
Lots of love, take care and enjoy yourselves, Zoe xxxxx
Helen And Oliver
Hi you two! Just managed to log on for the first time, now I'm back at work I have time to read my emails. Good job I'm teaching A level, you know they pretty much teach themselves!! Your adventures are looking fabulous, hope you are having a great time, I feel some what depressed now ! Oli and I just got back from Italy though which was lovely and hard work, decorating and cleaning. The house is looking great now and we're looking forward to future relaxing visits. We are moving on May 5th so more decorating to come. I hope you two feel relaxed reading about how hard I'm working!! Anyway I better stop neglecting my job and go get a coffee. Take care, love loads H x
Hi Rubes and Ed!
Very very impressed! Rubes the gun half suits you!! I'm sure the waterfall is as lovely as the chat point in S Africa! Looks like it was easier to get out. London is great! having a good time although a bit work hard play hard, Have fun and look forward to seeing you both in September x x
Hello, it's fantastic to see that two weeks into your travelling you're both still smiling! The boys enjoy your updates - Ben didn't realise that Auntie Ruth was a biker (he couldn't see the driver) and thinks you are "really clever because she can ride with no hands"!. We're all really missing you - (don't worry Ed I couldn't find anything in your house worth selling on ebay!). Take care of yourselves XXX
Hello! Love the photos. Glad you managed to grab something other than the bloke on the bike, Ruth!! Got back from France tonight. Had a smashing time. Weather good, as was food & wine (of course!) All journeys, punctuated by visits to friends and family very good. Rob managed to get into new car driving - French haven't improved their techniques at roundabouts! We have to tune into the next term's work now - Ed will surely be missing this?!
Good luck with the next stage, Mum xx
Blair (The-Constantly-Running-Man)
Alright Ed =] I see you two are having the time of your lives. Better be! I'm tellin' ya. I'll keep lookin' at this website to see how things are going and most likely annoy you more. YAY! So ya. Keep having fun kiddywinkles.
Take care.
x. Blair .x
Pete & Mazbow
Dear Ed & Ruth, We hope that you are both O.K. and not getting too tired on your hectic schedule !! We look most evenings to catch all the messages from your friends - it's good to hear so much news and gossip. Your photos are great so keep posting them. We had a nice few days up at your place and are now preparing for our Spanish holiday. The boys took part in an Easter egg hunt at Rodley nature reserve and we visited the Tropical Gardens the next day in Roundhay . We also enjoyed the park at Roundhay - it's a very nice area.Ben is here for the night and sends his love to you both as we do too. Lots of love from Mum,Dad and Benjamin.
Alright best mate and best mate's bird!!
Looks like you are having a fab time, long may it continue. Thanks for your advice regarding everyone being able to read these messages, but I had worked that out as I saw what Pete and Maz had written before posting my message, thickos! Anyway I'm delighted that I told everyone Tiday's news, I only seem to be able to get hold of him if I post idle gossip on your board as he phoned a few days after that! He was fine and seemed delighted that he is going to be a dad (as you can see below) and everyone wishes him and Toni all the best and hope to catch up with him soon. Went back to Harborough last weekend with LJ and had a great time, even though I was stood up by your old man! Did the usual, played a s*** round of golf at Melton, had some beers and then failed miserably at the 'Union' quiz - magic!! Hoping to get together with the others when the World Cup is on and just about to book flights down for the second round match (certain we will get through the group). We will be thinking of you when we are singing 'Three Lions' in the Kings whilst you are both suning yourself on some exotic beach in a faraway paradise......ok you may have the edge on that one but hope you are able to catch a few games. Keep up the good work guys, it is great to catch up and see what you are getting up to. Dionne and Lilly-Jo send their love and look forward to seeing you later in the year. Take care and happy viewing!
P.S. Tiday had the windows of his company car all smashed up the other night (hop to hear from him again soon!!)
Hi guys
Hope your both well and loving the travelling life. Some great photos! Ruth you look lovely as always (note the protruding tongue!!!!)
Anyway it appears you all know my news. Its amazing we went for a scan yesterday and i saw the heartbeat and everything. Didnt really want to tell anybody yet as we are not out of the 12 week danger period but fingers and toes crossed we are almost there. Toni is well although moody and pregnant but then again she is like that when she is not so not seeing much difference.
I'm scared and happy all at the same time but i do know its an amazing thing and cannot wait to be a dad by the time you get back we will be not far away as our date due is the 20 November!
Stay intouch if you can would be great to hear from you
Love to you both and all that are reading this
Sam Seabrook
Edward & Ruth,
Glad to see that you are enjoying your adventure - a heady mixture of guns, tanks and Asian cities - very racy! Good to see that the mesage board is casuing a bit of controversy! I think there is a real risk that this is used for all the contributors to talk to each other...Pete I've got a great joke for you...
How is the accomodation 5 Star or 5p? Really enjoyed the photos!
Everything here is fine. Alex is away with her parents in Scotland so I am free to watch the football and write daft messages! Have not yet sold our flat but fingers crossed for this week - it is a nightmare keeping everywhere tidy. Everytime someone comes round I pray they do not open any cupboards as they will be knocked off thier feet by a surge of random objects.
Anyway take care of each other and have a ball!
Pete & Maz
We have just looked at your Vietnam photos - very impressive. It appears that you are both well chilled out and having a wonderful time. The Evans family seem to be having a great time in Yorkshire - we shall be joining them tomorrow and hope that the great weather they have enjoyed will continue. Happy Easter to you both and lots of love from Mum & Dad.
Hi Ed & Ruth,
Hope everything is going well on the start of your journey. I saw on the KFC website that they put out a stock warning once they knew you were arriving in Hong Kong Ed, apparentley they have had to get chickens in from all of Asia to meet the sudden demand! Just be careful though, theres this thing called Avian Bird Flu going around at the minute. Don't worry, I don't think its dangerous, plus you should be immune with the amount of chickens you have chowed down on mate!
Alice and Ashleigh had their birthdays on Wednesday, I managed to have half a day at work so we could have a bit of a party in the afternoon. Callum felt a bit left out as he was the only one without any presents, but he got round this by helping Alice unwrap all of hers (he took a bit of a shine to her new doll!).
Rich and Ewan are off biking in Wales at the moment, unfortunately I couldn't make it as Claire is working. Sam was going to go too but he only got back from Geneva yesterday so couldn't manage it. I phoned the pair of them this morning and needless to say they were both the worse for wear. Apparently Rich said Ewan kept nagging him to keep on drinking, like he needs persuading. Don't think they will be doing much biking this weekend. Broke the news to them about Nick and Toni, seems Abbo is the only one to know, now everyone knows, thanks Abbo! We're away on our travels in a week, off to Ireland to meet up with Mel and family from Canada. Not quite Hong Kong but there you go. Well I'll finish here and be in touch later in the week. Take care both of you.