Moondew To Vietnam
About Ebony
Well it's been like 4 days I think? We left hoi an on the 24th and traveled a whole 15mins up the road to da nang! (we heard it was a 3 hour bus trip.. Suck s*** to those people!) we arrived at hoa's guesthouse a very basic beach shack esque. We chilled for a while on the first day then we got bored and decided to hike up marble mountain! I…
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Da Nang, Vietnam
Well it's been like 4 days I think? We left hoi an on the 24th and traveled a whole 15mins up the road to da nang! (we heard it was a 3 hour bus trip.. Suck s*** to those people!) we arrived a…

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Hoi An, Vietnam
So much to write about and i feel like I've forgotten stuff but here goes. So yesterday/last night was try eve and so we chilled out and then went to the beach for the afternoon. After I had m…

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Hoi An, Vietnam
So Alysha just shaved half her head and I have hell long extensions so we have both hanged our look dramatically since being here!! We our both loving our new do's and new clothes and bags (no…
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Hoi An, Vietnam
Well lifes pretty tuff over here. My excersise is doing sit ups to drink my beer which was brought to me while laying on the beach. An walking around shopping and picking up things we ordered …
Zeli All's well :) Looks like Dads good advice and Nannas prayers are working at last lol !!
re: Mui Ne, VietnamZeli There wouldn't be too many sporty types that didn't "fully froth" on Loveheart ay!! hahaha
re: Mui Ne, Vietnamcarl Hey Ebbo think about this one, "worrying is like praying for what you dont want". 17 hrs pfffft...........
re: Mui Ne, VietnamZeli Hudson Luv your blogs Ebs. Look forward to reading them and seeing the pics. Stay safe xx
re: Mui Ne, Vietnam- last visited

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Ebony has not added a travel plan yet
Zeli Any haircut will do Loveheart. You're always gorgeous !! xx