Glad you are having a splendid time. 3 days without a drink, you must have had the dt's!!!!Ha Ha. Any prposals of marriage? We are looking forwards to seeing you again and having a drink with you. George has mastered the art of pontoon now and is going to clear us all out this year. I am going to teach him poker next! Take care Simon. Love Caroline.
Paul Lewis
Some cracking photos of Aus and New Zealand Si.
All the best
who is that handsome looking chap with the great sun tan that you are with in Bangkok
hi Simon hope all is well with you. glad we have won a few matches and that you don't have to drown your sorrows too much! hear you lost your mob. I was getting worried when you did not reply but ow know yuor new number so will text soon. it is sunny and warmer than average here. have a G&T for me. love caroline
Debbie Stevens
Hi Simon,
It's good to read about your travels - glad it is going well, and that your stint with Michelle & Andy was good.
I'm still at First Choice, although in a different seat! Am pregnant though so will be taking some time off come June time!
Take care
Henry & Linda
Sunday 3rd Feb
Weather here is windy and dull today. Been reading your blog sounds like fun. Best Wishes
Hi there!
While reading your blog I realised once more that the mysterious stuff my students have to make presentations about really exist: Ankor What is one of the items they can pick. Thanks for that!
I'm currently recovering from a severe cold: being voiceless for 3 days isn't ideal when you are a teacher... I guess it must have been too much stress, work and ...
Please update your blog soon, I really enjoy reading it and looking at the pictures.
Mum and Dad send their regards, they're visiting the emperial cities in Morocco...
Good luck and don't eat anything I wouldn't ;-) Love, Carmen
Paul Lewis
I see Mr and Mrs Willmott have joined you!!
Hope you're all having fun!!
Michael Chinn
Sounds like you're having a great time and won't want to come back to dreary old England!
Hi! Haven't been able to get onto the site for a while via home (don't know why!) But am visiting the zaria folks (!) and have caught up with you there. Great to hear the latest news, though we can't access the photos for some reason today. Good luck. Bon voyage etc. and lotsa love, Kathy & co.
Paul Lewis
Hi Simon
A very happy New Year to you. Hope your travels are going well. I don't think Palace have lost since you left!
Michael (Henry) & Linda
We managed to spell our own names correctly this time...
A bit late, but we hope you had a good Christmas and will have an excellent new year. We spoke with the drunken rabble on Boxing day - they seemed to be having a good time. We are sure you are not missing the cold and damp here.
There is a suggestion for a big meet (with Graham, Caroline and George) "sometime" in the spring. No dates or venues as yet.