For goodness sake update your blog. I keep checking and there's no new news. I'm still not on facebook sorry. Alex quit on Monday (we were supposed to be having a meeting about problems within the assembly triangle e.g. Me, Mac and Alex - but she quit instead) so Mac also quit on Monday. Then changed his mind (for the fourth time) but Daniel had already had his termination cheque made out and had emailed everyone to say he had resigned. So I have taken on Kris as replacement storeman to see how he goes - no forklift licence yet but his driving is fine. The place already looks more organised. I've had one day off in the last 20 as we are very busy, hence why I am sitting here still at work at 2pm on a Friday. Also very hot and I am so looking forward to the long weekend. Hope engaged life is exciting. Thanks for the T-towel that appeared out of the blue. Giving up smoking isn't going very well. I'm weak, weak, weak!!!
Chris 'emotional' Loveder
Actually i just watched the video. That's was good stuff. My heart was thumping for you guys! I was like "Oh my god! You've just jumped out of a plane!" Nice one Danny. I was genuinely emotional. I am such a girl! Hee hee. Take it easy.
Chris 'the Return Of The King' Loveder
Hey there. I'm back! Welly welly welly! I turn my back for 2 seconds and you go and get engaged! Jeez! I've been out of the loop a little bit. My laptop has been out of action for a month or so. But it has been back up and running for a week now but i've been struggling to get everything re-installed and catching up with online porn. Hee hee. So! You crazy youngsters. Not only did you go sky diving (lucky gits) but you decided to go one step further and pop the question! I suppose next you'll be going on the next NASA shuttle mission and getting married on mars. Well i am very happy for you both, congratulations! So when, Where and am i invited? . Everything is cool back home. The flat is cool. Gonna re-arrange my room today as i realised that the set up is not practical. Properly settled in now, the personal trainer has gone despite getting us into trouble with the council who threatened us with court action if he didin't pay his share of the council tax. But my flat mates son has moved in and he's cool so we're happy and relaxed. But that's enough about me , more you, you ,you! Bring it on!
hello kids. nice ring dan. oops! better re-phrase that. nice pics. thanks for nice long chat on sun. also thanks to all those who post their messages as they all go towards making things a rewarding experience.
Mummy Meadows
Thank you both so much for this morning. It made my day! Love you and miss you! xx
Jane Colenso
hey there - beautiful ring.... ha he alahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
as the actress said to the bishop or may be actor ... love to you both
Anna Lewins
Hi, just watched skydiving video and showed it to my Kate, who is living with me now until she emigrates to Canada. Thought it might put her off the same idea, but she was thrilled! I'm keeping my feet firmly on the ground thank you, that is, until I have to go to Canada to visit Kate next year.........Fantastic news about the proposal, how romantic, 2 thrills in one day! Keep keeping us all updated with such fab photos and blog, I always read it if I want a good laugh! Take care, love Anna
oops. sorry pressed the button twice.
Hey guys
Kita, Tari and I just watched the skydiving video. I cried too. Tari's comment was that she couldn't believe Vicki wasn't jumping up and down and screaming. Must admit I had to see it myself to believe it. Looked fantastic. Hope you had a great time on the whitewater at Tully too. Am trying to give up smoking - so far down to 6 a day-which is pretty impressive for me (I think I was up to about 40 a day). Went to the opera last weekend and thought of you guys. Keep having fun. Love from Judith Street.
Hey guys
Kita, Tari and I just watched the skydiving video. I cried too. Tari's comment was that she couldn't believe Vicki wasn't jumping up and down and screaming. Must admit I had to see it myself to believe it. Looked fantastic. Hope you had a great time on the whitewater at Tully too. Am trying to give up smoking - so far down to 6 a day-which is pretty impressive for me (I think I was up to about 40 a day). Went to the opera last weekend and thought of you guys. Keep having fun. Love from Judith Street.
Hello you 2, Me, Hannah, Mum, Kia & Deb watched the skydiving video, Mum & Deb cried, obviously, but I have to admit, my eyes did fill with water, but i couldn't cry, my make-up would run :]. They all said that they love you very much & miss you aswell, they watched the video & are all very proud of both of you. D.T is coming down for the day today with Luke. Did you know Luke is going to be a Dad ? Well if you didn't, you do now. I've been looking at yours pictures & I want to be there with you, you guys look like your having the time of your life. I'm quite jelous to be honest =D. Anyway... I'll love you & leave you to have some more fun. We all miss & love you very much. And as we said, very proud of you aswell xx Love You xx
Arnie And Charlotte
hi guys!
in case you don't remember, we're the belgian couple you gave a ride to townsville! thanks a lot by the way! how's the skydiving been? and the rest of your traveling so far?
at the moment we're staying in the holliday camp park, a bit out of the centre of cairns! if you still want to go and do some toad racing in portdouglass, feel free to let us know! :-) no obligations off course!!! :-)