Sounds like your having a ball. The heat and flies do become a bit intense don't they. Hope you got to see some amazing lightning displays in the territory, although maybe not at this time of the year. Thanks for the Uluru t-towel. Didn't hear about the throat slit backpacker here in Sydney. Maybe they were winding you up, or maybe we don't care about Territorian news. Glad you've got the right perspective on our aboriginal problem. It's all very sad really isn't it. Keep on having a great time - I'm still laughing at my imaginings of you nearly running over the woman and Vicki squealing/screaming into the night (although I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time).
Only 4 weeks til we jet off to England (have talked Jules into 3 night in Paris) and Italy. Bring it on.
Cheers Liane
hello kids. another great blog and photos. take care with everything though, otherwise you'll make a lot of people sad. the idea is to do it, enjoy it, but come back and tell us about it, with the emphasis on, 'COME BACK'. anyways, you knows i luvs ya both. xxxxxx dad
Arne And Charlotte
wohoo, glad we didn't hitchhike around west australia than! I thought: ah it will be fun to reed something of their further travel again, but than you reed something about a dead hitchhiker! :-)
what so ever, don't let it spoil the fun offcourse! cause it all sounds amazing over there! I can't wait to leave Europe again! I want to see MORE! :-)
have fun!
the belgian couple
i'm glad you're having a good time !
i'm at marilyns tonight with, Mum, Hannah, Marilyn, Amy, Freya and Bridget and everyone says hello and they love and miss you loads xx
well.... you're coming back soon, but enjoy the rest of your time whilst you're there xxx
miss you soooo much xxxx
love you soooo much aswell xxxxx
helloooo x
i'm glad you're having a great time !
and no torquay did not have snow lol
love and miss you so much xxxxxxxxxx charlee and mum say hello and they love you ! xx
hello kids. just read my last msg. talk about growing old disgracefully, and 'fruit of my loins'? whats that about? i shouldn't be allowed out without my mother or a trained carer. i'm off the v1 today, got to stay focused. no more blunders or people will think i'm a politician. great pics as usual. the rafting looked great. i could almost hear vee's shrieks from here. i'm right there with you via your blogs and pics so keep them coming kids. love you both. xxx
hi there you two - good to hear from you again not sure if i like the croc! a bit too close for comfort.... off on my visit to NZ via San Francisco and back through Hong Kong.....
my own little adventure.....
still no Chris Loveder in fact who is Chris Loveder ? this thing better last cause he has no friends left - don't you hate that when people do that ?
i tried to watch the video but not sure what happened - but you know i'm a technophob.....
keep the shots coming honeys and speak soon..... xxx lol
hello kids. good photos again. i get fed up saying that. cant you let me have one crummy one so i can laugh and make fun of your camera work. i see you're still with the seagulls dan. you've got to move on man. expand your horizons ha ha. all good though. went out for a chinese last night. came back with a korean. easy mistake to make. ha ha. shush! i think i hear the thought police coming.i'm on the v1 at the moment as you might have guessed. i'll have a drop more in a minute. see if i can get funnier. everything ok at this end. say hello to blue-eyed jane for me if you see her and tell her i'll be waiting if she ever comes back to stay. (the sauce is working. long live v1. long live the sauce! hee hee. going now. bye, fruit of my loins. bye picture man. come home safelyyyyy both of you. dad
Rachel Mccarty
hey guy's great video of the snorkling in the low isles i love the turtle i know i could trust you to get some footage it's great i've just been watching it any way hope everythings going ok have a fab time in the out back. miss ya rach. xx
Jane Colenso
Hi there you two.... hope all good with you - are you out of your mind? jumping from a plane uh DER! its bad enough being in one let alone deciding to leave when you're that far up!!
Notice mr loveder is a bit remis at sending messages lately - thats because HE'SGOT A GIRL and he's dumped all his mates!! USER! ha ha ha but I mean it really I've not seen him!!
off on my big adventure soon not as big as yours but still fun... catch you two soon and love to you both... xxx
Jane Colenso
Hi there you two.... hope all good with you - are you out of your mind? jumping from a plane uh DER! its bad enough being in one let alone deciding to leave when you're that far up!!
Notice mr loveder is a bit remis at sending messages lately - thats because HE'SGOT A GIRL and he's dumped all his mates!! USER! ha ha ha but I mean it really I've not seen him!!
off on my big adventure soon not as big as yours but still fun... catch you two soon and love to you both... xxx
Danny And Vicki
Hey everybody, we are now on the road again and have finished work so videos pics and blogs will resume once again. SORRY for the delay but some of us have to work you know!