Kolins Travels
Leaving Puno we travelled via bus to Cusco - again I don´t even need to think on this "flashpacking" tour.
Cusco is a hub for Peru and a gateway to the Amazon and the Inca Trail. The city has a nice square and there are plently of adventure activities, resturants and shops. The next day I flew to Puerta Macdonalo for some jungle action. We travel for 3 hours down the find our accomodation at the Inotawa lodge. The lodge was amazing, hammocks for lazing in,rooms with on sweet bathrooms including shower views of the jungle and dinning area.
The first activity is a nature walk looking at the various flauna, wild boars, turtles and monkeys and Tarangula spotting! ( this envolved finding a hole in the ground in the dark and then inserting a branch which the Spider would think was an insect..pull out the branch and out comes MR Tarangula! lol)
The food was really nice in the the jungle consisting of chicken, rice, stirfrys and dried bananas. On day two we had to get up a 5am to go down the river to bird watch. This was more interesting than it sounds as there are many species of Parakets, Parretts and Maccouls
The next part of the day was spent in a lake fishing for Piranas with a a crude fishing rod!! They were only small and it was pretty amusing. Our guide then moved the boat about 20 metres away and we all jumped in and went swimming!!! Thankfully they were not human eating Piranas!
After an afternoon siesta we then went off looking for camens along the River bank for a motorised caneo. Camens pretty much look like crocodiles and the main varieties in these parts were Black Camens and White camens. We only realy saw their eyes unfortunately.
I was hoping to try some ayahuasca - the spirit of the jungle where a shamen guides you through the various jungle creatures after making you drink some biazze concockion but it was not possible. Still, the jungle rum with Coco leaves seems to have a similar affect that evening with the group "bonding" after a few drinks. I was still drunk in the morning but the afternoon flight soon brought to earth so to speak!
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