So we knew we were going to be staying at a burning gas crater but we were unsure what to expect, other than a burning gas crater of course. Which is what we got.
Imagine having bad wind, incessantly, lighting it and putting it in a huge crater. This is it. Basically Turkmenistan has ridiculous amounts of natural gas. So much in fact that it is completely free to all residents. However as matches and lighters cost money, people tend to leave the gas on day in day out. Hmm.
What happened was as the Soviets were exploring the Karakum Desert for more gas, they happened upon a few areas where the drilling resulted in the ground imploding, creating a meteorite crater-like hole. They just left these holes be, with gas belching out but the locals noticed the gases having an adverse effect on local livestock so one bright spark decided to throw a burning tyre into the crater. The spark lit up the whole crater and it has blazed for the couple of decades since.
It really is the most extraordinary sight and as the sun sets and night falls, the crater lights up as if it were the gates to hell.
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