There wasn't any other reason to stop here then to have a massive booze up. We all had to get fancy dress costumes and the theme was create your own super hero. I was so stuck and literally ended up dressing all in black and sticking stars and planet stickers on me and wearing a bin bag cape - the power of darkness. But there were some pretty funny costumes. Anyone who has done the Kiwi Experience will know this place. It was a pub/hostel in the middle of nowhere and this old 80 year dude ran it. He was pretty funny. But we got to have some good grub - real steak and even some venison as well. So it was treat to eat some good food. Ended up drinking a few jugs of the good old snake bite but everyone had to be up for the latest start so far of 9.30. Ready to hit the glaciers and do a skydive.... wish me heaps of luck
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