I don't think you're in Australia! Perhaps you are still hiding out in New York or maybe you're back in England. I demand proof! Mor Mor's word is not enough.
Hey guys, what are you doing in Australia? The journal has gone silent. What are you up to? Does this mean you are staying in catching up on football via satellite? We want to know how it's going. We're hungry for your next bulletin.
okay, okay...so I put a spin on it but look at the glass and tell me it looks like water. I'm sorry. It was only Alice that tried to give Claude toxic substances and Sue caught her anyway.
The trainers for Jonathan have come and I'm sending them on to Mor Mor's. Should be there in a couple of days.
have fun
Hey Jonathan,
Just been at Rose and Crown watching Charlton lose again. It's got to joke-stage now. 3 points from 8 games. 1 win, 7 losses. How long do u reckon til Iain Dowie waves goodbye? Do you reckon we could get alan back?!
Hope you had a good bday. I'm working hard. 5 months to go!
Enjoy yours neighbours night (i think u said you were going this week). Get lots of pics!
Sarah x
You know it was mum starting the rumour. She was claiming Tasha, Issy and "those naughty Del Rio boys" were giving Claude red wine.
I didn't see the sound engineer fight the band. Mind you, I could have been there when it happened but not remembered, as you remember I'd had a few shandys.
I think Dubs trainers have arrived and are living outside your bedroom (now the cat's bedroom). Keep me informed of all the goss. The less true the more funny
Anyway, isobel is with him in that picture and there is NO way she would let him drink wine, so it aint our fault. No spreadin spin mum.
no rumours in melboure so far, at alastairs at mo tho, with mor mor as of 2mora night so we'l see after that!
It was water- was that mum startin that 1?
mum u need to stop! itr was water and sue wil get sross if she thinks he drank wine! have u heard the one about the fight between the sound engineer and the band, if thats true where was i i so misssed that!!
also mum has dubs trainers arrive?
This is how rumours start
"have you seen the photo of claude drinking red wine?"
"it wasn't me, I tried to make him drink vodka - not red wine"
"no there is a photo of him on cesc and dubs travel journal drinking red wine"
Well I've looked and there isn't (or is there?) He just seems to be drinking water from a wine glass.
Starting rumours isn't as much fun without my sibling. What rumours from Oz can you spread on this website? Whats the goss in Melbourne?
|tried ringing you on fri from work to wish u dubsy d....
hope you have a great time on the rest of travels and we'll have some drinks to celebrate when you get back
tc hero
Hey u guys!
ive been menaing to get on the net for ages to see how ur travels are going, ur pics look wicked-hows it all going out there? have you guys found a place yet? I was thinkin about you C-goign on training to London for the week tomorrow-remember last time? ive still got that postcard in my diary in work! went to prague and berlin last month-prague is amazing-prob hasnt got the same beaches ;-)
Drop me an email and let me know how its all going-hope you guys are well-lots of love and take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx saz xx
Dubs N Cess
Bill and ronda- No dont woryy, it well dont matter dont fret ronda u looked great, tashas fine, she did realsie but she didnt mind, we promise!!!!!! i dont think u can tell, and anyway most people at jansthing didnt go o the wesding so no drama!!!!we both ,miss u bothxxx
Lucy D- that is hilarious! u have to trace his family and at christams see if he's comin home and get loads of pics!! cant beleive how much arsenal we're missing, do u get to see the games? also in japan have u watched any football on tv with japanese commentry? do they say (excuse the patronising spelling - we really have no idea how to spell it)
a) sen - sene - golden kimatay
b) eee patstaijo - (we think this means straight red card or dismissed)
c) yoop schnider (pass to the side?)
d) offsideo - harimaschta (i think its offside?)
in the japanese pro evo tey use these a lot.xxx
luchi- hows uni, very excitin!! rotorua is buit on some sulphur geysers or something and that way it stinks but its so rank i swear!! u could smell it even wen u were inside, it was so bad at night wen we were tryin to sleep, my dreams were of farts!! ruff!!!!!!!!!!!o and the insect certainly was a gonner- it was horrid tho!!!ew!!! xxxxxxxx
Oh My God....
hey guys,
we just checked the photos of auntie jans friday feast thing and I spotted something spooky.
ronda feels bad and sorry to tasha but she didn't know and neither did anyone else probably apart from tasha and john etc.
check the dress tasha wore on friday and the one ronda wore for the wedding...they're identical.
ronda feels heartbroken, we spent ages searching new york for a dress to wear (i chose that colour for ronda) only to buy the same one tasha has, only we didn't realise, otherwise we never would have got it.