Hey cess and dubstar!
Thank you for my beautiful wonderful gift of a purple handbag! i did receive it yest-of-the-day, I will be parading it around my student campus bar tmrw evening whilst shaking my tush to such funky tunes as "you've been cheating and telling me lies"! I'm glad to see you're both having a riot, i'm loving the pics but can't wait to see you in the flesh (not wishing your travels away) cause I miss you loads cecil p! hugs and more hugs, and sarah says hi x
Hey hey C and Dubs!!
How are you both? Loving the photos!!! Henry is in the Arsenal catalogue and he's got a full page! Can you believe that its been six months already? I'm missing you both!! I've started at angel HMV, its sooo busy and very tiring! Apart from that not much happening, cept I'm bottom of the league in fantasy football, but I still dont know how to log in so thats y. Neway lots and lots of love!!
hey hey!
Thanks for directing me to your page Jonathan. Hope you two have suitably recovered from the tiredness now & are ready to experience kiwi life! You'll have an awesome time. The 3 New Zealanders living by me are sooo chilled. You'll be picking up their dodgy lingo in no time "eh mate"!
Such a blow to be missing the arsenal though ceils isn't it? Bloody typical that when we don't go to Old Trafford the Arsenal win too! Miss you loads but it's great to be able to get in touch. We'll have an Emirates reunion when we're both back!
Keep in touch x
Rondinya And Belly
were back from the maldives...we'll send u pics in a few days....speaking how good the stars in fiji are, you sholld check out the night sky of the maldives...wicked and i saw a shooting star, pow.
it was wicked. have fun
yeeeeeees dubs!!! hows da travels mate?! sure u havin a heeeavy time!!
nothin changed in the uk, jus dat the summer is lettin us know that he really bout to leave!
u kno im as jealous as it gets...fiji, usa...now new zealand!..rub it in rub it in!!!
anyway dubs, report bk weneva and make sure u look after ur lady!!
in abit dub, 1
My goodness, it really does look like paradise. You lucky swines!! Pleased you are making the most of topping up that tan. Sounds a lovely place both day and night...I think it is the milky way you can see. Have you spotted the southern cross star formation yet. They are what's on the Australian flag and you can only see it in the southern hemisphere which is where you are. See if you can spot it
Hey you guys!! Well missing you both. Sounds like you're having a wicked time. I wrote a longer message but it got deleted :( My dad is in Greece getting the book sorted, they want it out by Christmas - how wicked is that? Me and Henry (Henry and I) are still good. I'm starting to save now for January so hopefully I will see you then. Love you both,
have fun...sounds good.
about the waves....you'll have to get use to them as there are many more beaches you're yet to experience. The Aussies will tell you how to spot rough water and where is best to swim. Always avoid going in where there is a v at the tidal mark. But you'll get the hang of it...and don't forget to put on the sun tan cream
Teatree iol is very good for mosquito bites and stay off the chocolate, they love the taste of people who eat a lot of that
I'm jealous. Do some boring stuff to make me feel better you schleegs.
Arse v Boro this wknd, can't wait. Enjoy the sun.
P.s. the reason Hawaii seems quite American is because it is a state of America!
F.A.O. Henry, Mo and Luke...cheers for the messages, Henry, we knew about all the football, but thanks anyway, Charlton also signed 2 players on the deadline...remember that Uraguayan brer that scored that 30 yard volley against England, its him! Mo and Luke, glad you are liking the journal, keep posting messages! Can you fill us in on EXACTLY what is goin on with West Ham as SkySports is a bit vague recently! We are enjoying the sun, although poor cess is getting burned, but she is starting to tan. I on the other hand have been firmly kissed by the sun, and Mo, I will send you a pic of myself when I am as dark as you, cos we aint getting winter till October 2007! nice! anyway...take care, lots of love and keep in touch!
Sereh & Lucy
Seep!! We love you and miss you so much!!! We got your postcard it was so nice and very funny!! You sound like you are having the best time.. I'll be sure to show anton those graffiti photo's he'll love em for his graphic design stuff. Lucy says thank you for her birthday card too!. We wish we had seen more of you whilst you were in london... Miss Ya! Hi to Dubs Love Sereh and Hooch xx