Yes yes! I am making my debut here, so forgive me if it is a bit of a nervous performance. I have lost my voice dubs. I spent too much time shouting at the shambolic spurs defence yesterday. hehe. Anyway I am off to germany next week as I am gonna make my UEFA Cup away debut in Leverkusen. I hope that you are both well and loving life. Appreciate every minute. London is cold and dark. Much love xxx
C And D
wow looks quality! ans very central, good stuff! when r u going again? we'll email asap wen have more time.
and michelle, ta 4 ur email, sorry i aint got back yet, will do soon, new zealand is so amazing ul have a great time, i'll eamil u to asap4tips etc!
and mum thanks fo rthe text, thats good u went round, i miss u and love u
and dad, hows it goin, heard ur never at home now and cant get enough of the cab? good stuffxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and luch hows the foot??? rest and relaxin is the key, get sarah to kiss it betterxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I know its like unbelieveable!!! I wont believe it until i actually have the tickets. We got a hotel its four star in Soho. It looks amazing you can get a pet goldfish in your room (random)... Oz looks amazing and yeah give me an email with all details of good places. xxx
C And Dubs
OH MY DAZE SEREH! you have won a trip to Nueva York! You are so lucky! if you won it a month ago, you coulda seen us! Erm...things to do...there are way to many to mention! we will give you an e-mail with all the boom things to do! have you got somewhere to stay or have u got accomodation with the prize?! Wrap up warm tho! the snow will be THICK! (we think) and it will be SUB ZERO!!! we will ask Cess's cousin for advice as well! hope you have jokes!
Hi C and Dubs!! Its lovely reading what your up to..Hooch's foot is still hurting :( but i've been trying to supply much chocolate to help her feel better! And been telling her to keep her leg up. I hope it feels better soon! Had a bit of a stroke of luck today.. I cant quite believe this yet but i entered a competition for MTV and i've won a trip to New York! I'm hopefully going this month with Mr Caines. I'm still in a state of shock!! Can you recommend good places, restaurants etc we'll only be there for about 3 days tho. Miss ya C and Dubs!x
Oh no poor luch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ouch!!!!! GET BETTERXXXXXX!!!!
id like to see a pic of these sexy boots! i bought some boots here for about 10 pound- thought i was such a crafty bargain spotter but they fell apart within a week- gutted!!! they werent tho. the weather here aint settled yet, some days its kinda chilly! some days its i the 30s!! v.confusin i can tell u so we're looking forward to dec, jan and feb!
and im so glad about ur uni, sounds amazin! and also something amazin will come out at the end too! jus perfect!!! and sarah how ru2 if ur there? get loadsa rest luch, stay in the warmth!
we're well looking forward to rentin a place and settlin down for a bit- hope to be sorted by nxt weekend, fingers crossed- will keep u updated tho and send some pics- sarahs birthday soon- wot u doin?
loads a love take carexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lucy N
helllooo, from one taxi drivers daughter to another,
CONGRATS TO YOUR DAD. . .i'm so proud, sniffle sniffle!
Uni is amazing, definatly the best thing i have ever decided to do with my life. The people are great and i'm wake up with a smile on my face everyday - except weds and sats when I work 12 hour shifts - but even then I know it's only for a day! I'm currently off at the moment though - just perfect timing to co-incide with exams and coursework deadlines - as I have an infected foot. I bought some new boots last week to go and see Razorlight cause they were sexy and i'm sure had johnny borrell of spotted them he would have married me there and then. There is a price you pay however and I did with a big fat blister and because of the cold weather i've been living in boots (not those ones) including my boxing boots that i got sweaty in on fri and by last night I couldn't walk and looked like i had elephantitis so sarah- love her - took me to A&E to have it amputated (sorry drama queen) to have it seen to. They then prceeded to poke and prod and give me intravenous antibiotics while they decided whether to keep me in overnight! luckily they never they just sent me home with two types of antibiotics, paracetamol and pain killers and a line of graffiti around the swelling to see if it goes down. I also have to spend 24 hours in bed with my leg elevated which is fine with me as I have all the episodes of friends on DVD:) and 6 pieces of courswork in toe!
well thats enough about me . . . lets talk about you . . . what do you think about me?
Take care now and I can't wait to see more of what you've been up to!
Lots of love Lucy
Give Sydney a chance! Honestly, you kids.
Dubs, just finished chatting to you on msn, drinking some rose wine then heading to giesha for stu's bday, with his Mo, Fertai, stus gf and Emma Moores! yeh son, Charlton need you back son, not looking great! glad things are good for you, once you come bak here your gona b hating it after ya year travelling! Celia, hope your good too, was saying to dubs earlier, that I'm lookin forward to a massive welcome home Dubs and Celia party if you gona have something similiar to the Garden Gate thing! Anywayz, im chipping to drink some more rose! l8r!
Luke Finchy!
He passed!! Now a bona fide liscensed London taxi driver let loose on the streets of London
Love you
Hi mum yeah pics are coming soon, we have to do it uncle tom's, we're going there on Friday for dinner cos all the internet cafes wont let you upload pics- boo!
wot happened with dads exam, tell me asap please!!
miss u and love u-xxxxxxxxxx-
okay, okay we believe you are ther. Great to get an up date on the journal. Now some photos.......Nice chatting on-line today Dubs. Enjoy the Neighbour's set on Friday