Back in good old Blighty... for about 30 hours... Well where else could you get your marks and sparks undercrakers from? They're so soft and comfy... Plus I didn't bother to rearrange my tickets but it's all for the best I'm sure... Like I may have mentioned before I get a free curry tonight, so its worth the 7000 odd mile round trip for that alone...
Not really much to report here... The Tortoises and Cactii are still alive, so well done the parents... I've finally got a new Credit Card... I hate HSBC...
After 3 weeks of investigations I can confirm that both US and Canadian beers are rubbish. They generally fall into the following catagories:
1. Pissy and taste like water - Budweiser Select, Heineken, Budweiser, PBR, Coors Light, Miller Lite, Sierra Nevada, Molson Canadian, Labatt Blue Light.
2. Give you a headache before leaving the pub - Sunrye, Yuengling, Big Hunt Bad Ass Amber Bock, Honkers Ale, Asahi Select, Magic Hat #9, Dominion Lager, Upper Canada Lager, Molson Export.
3. Old Favourites - Stella, Fosters, Amstel, Corona.
4. New Favourites - Rudy's Red, McSorleys Light, McSorleys Dark.
5. Instantly Forgettable - Redhook ipa.
I don't remember the other beers I tried... Hopefully New Zealand will have more to offer....
Hasta Luego!
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