Hello all,
We decided to use this website to share our proud son, Kei "K" Luke Martin's pictures with you as we entered to new kind of adventure, Parenting! He was born on May 3rd at 5:07 a.m. weighing 7 lb 2 oz (3226g) by C-section due to 22 hrs of contractions with little progress. Although Mom and Dad were disappointed at having surgery done, Kei was delivered to this world with perfectly good health and Mother has been recovering from surgery quickly. We will follow his growth and upload more pictures as we experience new adventures with him.
P.S. Kei is a Japanese name, writes "啓". It means "enlighten", "to lead", and "to teach". Kei certainly enlightened our souls just to have him with us and he will likely teach us a few things in the years ahead.
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