We have all signed up for a full day tour around Granada and district. Our guide, Ramon, picks us up around 9 and we start with a driving tour to some significant places around Granada township. This includes the former railway station which is now used as a youth employment training centre, a cemetry where many former Nicaraguan Presidents are buried and the former hospital which was abandoned years ago and is now being a converted into another employment training centre. Like El Salvador, Nicaragua has also experienced long periods of unstable government and civil wars, as recently as the 1990's. In the process its economy was devastated, hence today's high level of poverty. Our next stop is the San Fernando volcano outside Masaya. This is an active volcano, however you are able to stand on the edge of the crater and see the molten lava bubbling away 200 metres below. It is an awesome sight. The lava almost looks like a washing machine in action and the noise it makes is very much like that of rolling surf. It is 1080 degrees Celsius. This is a first for me and is very captivating. From here we headed into Masaya township to the main market. We grab a plate of the local dish which is a combination of cooked banana, meat, cassava and coleslaw. It certainly tastes better than it looks. Next stop is a resort built on the shores of a lake inside an extinct volcano. It's a great location and we do some kayaking and have a swim. The water is surprisingly warm , and this is due to the amount of volcanic activity in the area. We spend a few hours just relaxing and drinking a local brew which is basically a rum based punch. Its certainly got some kick to it. Last activity for the day is a boat cruise around some islands which are the private holiday retreats for the wealthy. There is also quite a bit of birdlife and we are lucky enough to spot some monkeys as well. Back at the hotel I decide to head out for a stroll around the "safe" streets. End up in the touristy area and take a seat next to a local street trader who is selling cheap jewellery and his mate who is selling leather belts. I have a go at selling some belts but with no success. Guess I'm just not made out for that. I then meet up with a Nicaraguan named Moses who is there with some of his breakdancing friends. They put on a nightly show for the diners in the restaurants. Moses's English is very good and we have a good chat about Nicaragua and life in general. His friends are very good and its quite relaxing sitting there watching them and just people watching in general. A quick bite to eat with Vanessa and Julia, and then a casual stroll home. Its been a long day but a good one. Some interesting sights and some chill out time as well, and plenty of mixing with local people.
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