I got up reasonably early this morning, Hollie had borrowed her flatmate's car to drive me to the airport before work! That was really good, saved me getting into town and out again! I arrived at the airport and checked in - with a bag completely full of liquids! I did lose my nail scissors in the process though...always forget about scissors! Got through and went straight to my gate to skype mum for a bit, but it wasn't long before my flight left for Alice Springs!
The journey wasn't too bad, read my book for most of it. We got a Cornish pastie as a snack which was pretty unimpressive...I was so glad Hollie had made me a sandwich from last night's chicken! Took about 3 hours to get there, and then my clock went back and hour and a half...slightly weird going back a half hour!
I was picked up from the airport, had my name on a card and all! Haha. And after a short drive was dropped at my hostel, Alice in the Territory. It was pretty much a hotel, but they had taken a few of the double beds out and stuck in 2 sets of bunks! It was really nice, ensuite, TV in the the room with constant movies, and really clean! I was also on my own to begin with which was quite cool. I left my stuff and headed into the town, which was about 20 minutes walk away!
It was pretty cool landscape, quite different to anything I've seen before, but it was a lot more green than I had imagined, which I later found out is because they had a lot of rain last week! The weather was lovely though, clear blue skies and hot!
I walked around town for a little bit, bought some food/suncream and just had a bit of a wander really! There were a LOT of aboriginals, which I guess is to be expected, but they were a little intimidating. They tend to hang out in gangs in parks and stuff.
After a few hours I headed back and chilled out at the pool for a bit. The water was freezing so I spent most of my time sunbathing and reading until the sun went away! I went back to the room, thinking that I would maybe just skip dinner rather than walking all the way into town in the dark...
When I got to my room there was a girl called Melissa who had just come in with a full roast chicken, some nicrowaveable potatoes, salad and bread...I instantly regretted my no food decision when I smelt that haha! She was really nice though, and shared it with me, as she had more than enough and would just have been chucking it all out the next day when she left! So that was epic! We had practically a gourmet meal haha, and chatted for a bit, she's from New Zealand but living somewhere about 500kms from Alice at the minute, and was in Alice for something to do with a hospital.
After dinner I showered and sorted myself out for the morning, then we watched "New Year's Eve" on the TV which was really good actually - so many famous people it was a bit ridiculous haha. When it was over o quickly skyped mum, but the signal wasn't great, then went to sleep - had to leave at 5.45 the next morning for my tour!
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