(27 November)
This morning i think I got out the wrong side of the bed because I was fairly grumpy haha. Just felt like I was ready to move on. Unfortunately Azlan told us that it would be really hard to go anywhere the next day because there was a public holiday, so Scott and I decided to hang around one more day then go to the Cameron highlands.
The commotion in the night had been the swedish girls falling out with Azlan - I'm still not 100% sure what happened - and they left at like 4am, slept in the foyer of the holiday inn and then went to Georgetown! It was a bit weird, and there was a funny atmosphere in the hostel as well...I was pretty glad I'd been in bed!
We chilled out for a bit watching a movie (no strings attached I think) then sat about being lazy...then I got a craving for cake and Azlan suggested we go to Tesco which was about 15 minutes away on the bus. Toni was feeling ill so Scott, Sara and I went for a wee trip.
The Tesco was awesome! Absolutely massive, it was like a big complex with food places and stuff too, and it was a proper Tesco - non of this Thai Tesco Lotus business! We had great craic having a wander around - sad I know, but I bet you would be the same in our shoes! Scott got a camera, and I was going to get an iPod shuffle because it was only £12 but got distracted by the huge bakery section and forgot haha! Got some yummy donuts and muffins, and even some ribena and salt and vinegar crisps! Haha, really stupid how happy that made me! We grabbed a KFC on the way out which was seriously disappointing, but oh well!
We had some bad luck getting a bus and ended up standing in the pouring rain waiting for an hour for a bus that's meant to run every 10 minutes!
Eventually got back but the Tesco buzz had worn off a little bit. We just chilled out at the hostel that night and had an earlyish night I think! Maybe watched another film? Not sure lol.
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