(30 October)
This morning the ones doing the activity day left at 9, Anna went for a massage and I went with Rory and Lisa to see some of the caves nearby! It was pretty cool, absolutely beautiful scenery and the view from up the mountain at the entrance to the caves was amazing!! By the time we got back we got ready for tubing - probably the most prepared I've been for any day so far haha. Bought our waterproof bags for our money, covered ourselves in factor 50, and had a baguette for lunch! Then we went to rent the tubes, and got a tuk tuk a few kms up the river. We met some girls in the tuk tuk who were really nice and had done it a few days before.
When we actually got there it was just mad. Loads of people just chilling out in the sun at bars along the river. This was my first real interaction with other backpackers not on tours haha... I've never seen so many dreadlocks etc in my life! We learnt to play beer pong (not well) and an adaptation of rock paper scissors called bear hunter ninja...much better craic!
The first attempt at moving on to the next bar was a bit of a fail haha... We all managed to grab the rope but couldn't figure out how to get out of the tires haha, and my flip flops were a casualty. We eventually realised the water wasn't actually that deep ad we could just stand up and get out haha. People were covering themselves in what I've been told since is car paint...glad I gave that a miss, it didn't come of for days! And there was sprinklers to cool down in.
At the next bar there was a big board thing to jump off into the water which I actually managed to do! So impressed with myself haha, although I had at least watched loads of people first to make sure I wasn't likely to die lol. There was also a huge swing thing out on the water which I definitely didn't have the guts for! This bar was really fun, bit of dancing going...some casual shuffling in the sunshine haha. I wish of had my camera but couldn't risk it because it might have got wet.
We went on to a few more bars, one with a huge slide and one with a big cushion type thing, where one person sits on it and another jumps on to it and catapults them off! And there was bonfires when it started to get dark and a bit chilly. There was an iffy moment between 2 bars when I couldn't catch the rope and drifted downstream helplessly and the others had to catch me up at the next bar haha, but it was all good craic.
The place was actually mad lol, but really fun, and we were all being fairly sensible which was good. Finished around 6 and went straight to bed cos I was shattered lol, and slept through the night apart from a walk to get a baguette for dinner so I could take my doxy.
Definitely one of the best days of the trip, great craic! Wish we could have stayed a bit longer.
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