We decided to rent a scooter today to ride to the hot springs. So after a chat over breakfast with Patrick, a very chilled, bearded & down to earth young American guy, we walked the 5mins into town. However when we went to rent the bike, we were told it'd cost another $40 on top of the $20 for the bike hire, to ride it to the hot springs. This was a bit of a sh*tter, as that was the main reason for renting the bike, due to not being able to afford the $60 each for the actual hot springs trip. However, we still decided to rent a little twist-&-go & just take a ride around the local area. We started off & immediately had to stop due a funeral procession going down the main street at a VERY slow pace with all the mourners (about 100 of them) following the car. Obviously it wasn't nice to see the funeral, but it was good to see how traditional the ceremony was. We rode on once it'd passed off into the hills & on a big loop, passing coffee plantations, farms & a waterfall, while following alongside a river. Another different loop later & we were back in town, to head on out the other end to find some 'pool' detailed on our map. But it wasn't to be, as the road ran out, causing me to almost 'lay the bike down'! So we headed back & took another route & found ourselves high in the mountains surrounded by cloud, only just making it back before the heavens opened & the lightning storm began. We went back & chilled for a while before nipping for dinner, during which a homecoming queen procession of about 12 cars all constantly tooting their horns & decorated in balloons, drove slowly around the whole town twice. An odd spectacle really with the queen(s) sat atop the cars, waving & blowing kisses to the locals lining the streets. After that, we headed to a bar named Zanzibar for a cheeky bottle of wine. However as soon as it became over run with arrogant & unfriendly American tourists (rather than travellers), we headed back for a beer at the hostel before bed.
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