Off to the Fumba Penninsula south of Nungwi about an hour and 1/2 away. We have to go through 5 polici check points. Apparently, rental car drivers must have a tourist permit to transport them. Also, unless you are a registered driver or guide, naitves of the island cannot drive with mzungo's (whites) Apprently something happened to someone a year ago so they cahnged the law.
The laws are very strict here and they don't fool around with sending people to jail if convicted. The police have fairly wide powers here and just like home, no one likes them much! It's to protect their very tourist sensitve economy.
The day was beautiful and so were the ocean and beaches. We headed out to a small island in a wooden sail boat. There was a huge feast after snorkelling with about 10 different local fruits, so good!
I was a meany and took some pictures of some Italian tourists who should not be wearing these bathing suits - speedos for the men, 2 piece for overweight or older women, not attractive!!
We ended the day with a walk to see the trees who thrive and require sale water - did not know they existed! Then back off to the Fumba bay where we stopped to dive off boat and swim some more.
Great day!
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