Yo dudes! really miss you guys. Me and Ras will be down in So'ton last week in October for fun n frolics. Last weekend in oct is officially party time! Bunch of us will be grooving large. Will you be back then? Hope your last stint is cool. See ya soon, Mwah xxxxxx
Becki I At Ciba Vision
Hi Jane,
Thought I would catch up on where you are in the world these days and cannot believe that you will be coming home shortly, how time flies.
I hope that you found working worthwhile as you got your trip to New Zealand and hope that you are ok.
Take care, Becki
Nick In Melbourne
Hey Damo & Jane, hope NZ is treating you well and you're not getting rained on all the time!! We had a high of 10degC in melbourne today, with 7degC in the late arvo, but tomorrow will have a high of 12 to look forward to, lol. So you can't be any colder i am sure haha. Anyway, look forward to catching up for a brew when you get back. Cheers, Nick
Hello you two globe trotters! The picture of New Zealand looks wonderful. Hope you got the snow you wanted, and that snowboarding was good. We have summer at last, and are loving to sunshine.
Just thought I would let you know that Jock has offered to pick you up from Heathrow if you need him. He lives only 10 minutes away. Let me know and I will contact him.
Had a good weekend. Terry is over from Canada, and we went out for a meal last evening.
See you both soooon. Love m&p
Mummy Numero Uno
Spoke to Grandmummy last evening (her birthday) and she was delighted that you remembered to give her a call on her 'special' day. She tells me that you are going to New Zealand in July - will you be snow-boarding? Hope 'work' (naughty word) is going okay - it will be worth suffering for some pleasure later. I think Linda may be coming over to see us in June.
We have not heard from Heidi since the first phone call, so have not seen her and Dave yet.
Tell the other mummy that I have the stretch marks to prove it!
Good to hear from you.I will enquire about ski-passes for whakapapa, if you get in early they are cheaper.I'll keep in touch anyway.Doug.
The Real Mummy
hello mate i see below that there is another mummy trying to get in our mummy gang shes saying shes your real mummy but i thought i was the real mummy what am i talking about. Give you a call soon dude from the original mummy man
Just looking at your piccies at lunchtime - you both look incredibly well, which is wonderful. You really have seen the sights! Loved the little turtles - aaaw! Well, it is still grey and chill here in UK, so don't rush back. Take care of yourselves.
Becki Ingram
Hi jane,
Great to hear from you, really good piccies, you have been busy and I am pleased to see that you are thoroughly having a great time !!! My Barbados holiday seems like a distant memory now but was fantastic at the time, very jealous that you are still living the dream.
Take care & keep having fun, love Beckixx
Yo dudes,
Looking good!
Have Fun
Hey guys!
Wow...your road trip looked amazing! I have been to the very same look out in the Whitsundays and have also enjoyed the fantastic clear, blue waters that surround the islands! How weird it is to be sat here at work admiring your pictures from Oz! Oh yes I am back in the rat race living the 9-5 dream of working and paying off my huge debts from Oz! But it was totally worth it and what a time we had in Sydney and on NYE! Went to see Jen and Ras this weekend and as Jen's mail suggests a lot of booze was consumed and plenty of mayhem to be had! It was great to see them and I look forward to when we can all get together and party hard! Anyway guys keep safe and enjoy Melbourne and keep the pictures coming in! Take care, all my love, Mich XXX
Jen N Ras
Yo Dane and Jamo!! Have not mailed for a while so thought i better get off my arse and do it! My mobile no. has changed to 07970833767, so you can keep in touch. Really missing you both, had Michelle and Ben to stay at the weekend, man we were all such a mess. Think we're getting old cos still suffering big time!! They send their love too and still talk about the cool times in oz. Your photos are awesome so keep em coming. Got to meet up when you get back. Love you guys and speak soon xxxxxxxx