ROAD TRIP.......
We left for Vegas today, a five and half hour drive. But our brush with the law started the evening before, After we went and saw the movie 'Paul", amusing, and somewhat apt as we were passing through Baker where a part of the movie was set, and after dinner at Chili's...........
Driving back to the hotel from Chili's Restaurant, a drive of no more than 2.5 miles, with eyes on navi, so as not to get lost or miss a turn/exit/veer, we notice some pretty red and blue lights flashing in the revision mirrors. Knowing that I was not speeding, was on the correct(right, as in right hand) side of the road, and we hadn't handed over a large sum of cash for a small glad wrapped (or foil wrapped, depending on the movie) package, knew they could not be for us. However they persisted, quite close behind, with very bright lights reflecting into my eyes by all three mirrors, I was forced to pull over. Wound down my window, as all movies show you get shot if you get out, and readied myself by finding my license. Low and be hold, police officer turns up at passenger window, pretty sensible as I have seen the shows where the cop almost gets wiped out chatting to the driver on the drivers side. A big fumble to get the passenger window down and all cool and calmness flew out my window as I tried to find the right button. Anyhow it appeared my rear lights were not working, mind raced as I thought about locating nearest Avis office to exchange cars so as not to miss our Vegas leg. Brake lights worked...... May I see your license......Puzzlement.......We're here from Australia on a two week vacation.......Can you try the switch there on the column.......Miracle, they work...... I know I'm going to cop heaps for this, but in my defence, when you press the unlock button, lights come on, when you get in the car and start it, the lights remain on, they are brighter than parkers.... Anyway, am sure police officers are laughing all the way to the station about the aussie we did when we got to hotel......
The drive to Vegas was uneventful, youngen slept for the first couple of hours. We stopped at Barstow, I thought to stretch the legs, and a little shop. Little covers it, youngen not at all interested, so it was a quick stop.
Got to Vegas and it is growing so fast navi can't keep up. We drove round twice before I jumped a gutter, pulled into a valet park to ask directions. Not far out just badly sign posted.
There are new additions to hotels I know, there are new hotels, there are new shopping centres, and thats just on the strip, in two years.
We're off to Criss Angel show tonight. Celine is playing tonight and tomorrow but I don't think I can do it to him, although he is fine with it, such a good boy, will wait till tomorrow to decide.........
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