(5). We got into Pompeii fairly late and had to walk to our hostel. At first, I thought I would hate it. It is very touristy there. We felt very safe walking to our hostel and found it easily - Pompeii isn't very big! Our hostel was amazing - Otello Hostel. Italians are very friendly! They welcomed us in and didn't even demand payment, which we are so not used to! Our room had glass doors with huge red curtains, air conditioning and a bathroom with a bidet. The courtyard is gorgeous. You sit at the table and they start bringing you salad and pasta and want to help in any way they can. A nice treat for weary travelers, especially after France!
(6). In the morning we went to Mt. Vesuvius - it's 10€ for a return bus to the top and 8€ to enter, €6.50 for students. We were given walking sticks and made our way to the top. We were greeted with a beautiful panoramic view of Naples and the sea. Vesuvius is still an active volcano - there was smoke coming out of a few places and you could get a whiff of sulfur in the air. Jordan and I had packed a picnic, so we feasted on salami, cheese, bread and pistachios from our bird's eye view! Breathtaking. On the bus back into Pompei I got slightly carsick from the hot bus and windy road!
We got off the bus and went into the ancient Pompeii city. It was 10€ entrance and 10€ audio guide. Sheesh. I didn't really feel like listening to the sound effects on it so it was kind of a waste. Personally, I would do my research before and just take in the city -it's HUGE! We were in there for four hours and didn't get through it all! Absolutely amazing. Again, I cannot begin to imagine the grandeur - from bath houses to pillared courtyards and intricate wall paintings, which still remain. This city was once covered in molten lava! They have molds of people who were killed by the eruption centuries ago. The most capturing one was of a man on his knees praying. Basically the lava hardened around these victims, and when the body decomposed it left an empty cavity. These cavities were found and filled with clay molds. So tragic!
On our way back to the hostel we found a stray dog (Jordan toldme not to pet him) and I named him Boss. There are stray dogs everywhere! After we ate like kings again at our hostel, we went on a late night search for Gelatto. On the way back I found Boss again! I called him and he followed us to the fountain we went to sit at. Pretty soon four of his friends joined us. And they are very polite dogs. No barking. They just want to be fed Gelatto haha. Believe me, these dogs are not starving! Get this - they are registered strays! They all have collars and are docile, otherwise I'm sure they wouldn't be there. I was quite entertained!
(7) We stopped in Naples on our way to Florence just for some 'za (pizza). It's the pizza capital! However, we made a mistake by not venturing far from the station (we only had an hour). So our pizza was crap. I wanted to go to the beach there; apparently the sand is dark because it is mixed with molten rock. We arrived in Florence after our three hour train ride (1st class! - a guy even let me borrow his iPad with Internet!) and dropped our bags off at the hostel (which was central and right down the street from IlDuomo!). Then we hopped a one hour train to Piza (14€ return) to check out the Leaning Tower. We spent a couple hours there, took pictures, picnicked, wined, gelatto-ed and left! Pisa is a cute little town and was nice to walk around. We were both extremely exhausted after a busy day of travel! And Jordan started to get a cold! Poor little guy.
(8) We decided to have a day where we took it easy. I have been grumbling about shopping! I am getting really sick of wearing the same clothes!! But I have a problem buying clothes- I can't decide what I want because I have next to no room and I am cheap! I finally broke. After walking through the Piazza San Lorenzo market (such good shopping!! I want to go back!), going to a few different leather stores, Jordan and I both bought jackets. Such good quality and so nice!
The vendor men kept calling me Jordan's wife. And they really know how to talk you up, make you feel good while you try stuff on. 'Oh, Bella, Bella, Bella! This one is perfect for you. You look like a princess. Bella. I give you the best price!' I have decided I will answer to nothing other than Bella from now on (that's what I told Jordan, haha). But you have to make sure to barter with them and of course, tell them you are students! We crossed the famous bridge Ponte Vecchio, where a band was busking (playing music in the street for money) to find Gusta Pizza, a joint notorious for its delish 'za. We had Gusta pizza there of course! They cook it in a stone oven right in front of you. We hiked up David's stairs, which had a view of the entire city and then caught some music in Piazza della Signoria square - there was an orchestra playing! They started to play an Italian song and everyone sang along - it was really cool. We stayed up late at our hostel playing cards with two other Canadians and a Scotsman, James. The game we played didn't really have a name, so I named it Russian Roulette 2 or Canada vs. Scotland. Can't decide what I like better haha.
(9). I got up bright and early to be in line for Galleria dell' Academia - where Michelangelo's David is located (unfortunately you are not allowed to take pictures). There wasn't even a line when it opened. The day before there was a huge one in the afternoon. No student discounts (10€). Michelangelo was simply an amazing man of the arts. We saw 'the prisoners', which were sculptures he had started but never finished because he didn't like how they were shaping; the form couldn't break free from the marble. David is truly amazing. I never thought I could be transfixed by a sculpture. You just gaze in awe at him because he is so perfectly and wonderfully made. Next we went to Il Duomo, the most famous building in Florence. It is a gothic cathedral which started construction in the 1200's. It's outside is, pink and white marble interlaced with figurines and designs. We walked around inside, opting out of paying to climb to the top. Jordan had a nap, as he pretty much lost his voice and was all stuffed up. I went to Perche No for Gelatto and bought a leather purse at the market! So many to choose from, so little room!
We hit up Gusta Pizza again for supper cause it's just that good! We were both alright with not doing a whole lot of touristy sightseeing in Florence and just exploring. I really like Florence, it's a cute city with a good vibe.
A word of advice - when looking up trains and their arrival times, you have to use their Italian names! Florence = Firenze, Naples=Napoli, Venice=Venezia, Rome=Roma.
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