About Larae
Dreaming with Eyes Wide Open: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-Mark Twain
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Auntie Wendy So glad you are home safe and sound. I will certainly miss reading all aboutyour travels though. It was so entertaining. We look forward to seeing you at Christmas and hearing more about your adventures. Love Auntie Wendy
re: Wroclaw: Moustaches and Vintage Pubsloes Lovely girl!What à nice time we had in wraclaw :) your story made me think back of every minut over there,you discribed it verry well!! i am really happy that i couldhave contribut something on your amazing trip,you defenatly dus that to my trip,your smile and The talks we had where nice!Keeeeeep up doing the things youlike and live,and enjoy every littel thing in life.you are always welkom in hollandXloes
re: Wroclaw: Moustaches and Vintage PubsAlex Ahh I loved Vienna...Schonbrunn's gardens and fountains were just spectacular when we were there in last May. Ahh your travel blog is just adding to all the things I want to do when I go back to Europe someday.
re: Dear Vienna...(with a sidestop in Budapest)auntie char still enjoying going along with you on your travels thru your honestly descriptive tales.
re: Dear Vienna...(with a sidestop in Budapest)auntie char me thinks you belong in europe! have fun with dana when you two meet up.
re: Thessaloniki, feelin cheeky!glenn amazing people and places you have come across ray....cathy and I are talking more about backpacking than heading to the beaches and just sitting back...place safe
re: I touched the world's Navel. (Delphi & MeteoraAuntieA Who knew running around Greece in your jammies was on your list?? :-) sitting up with the ol' jet lag enjoying a good read :-) love ya! A
re: Naxos - Largest and most fertile of the Cyclades!Ilias a very good blog I have to say...there is just one problem...either you are too slow writing it or I was too fast reading it...I finished all of it in 7 hours :-) Enjoy the rest of the travel and stay safe!
re: I touched the world's Navel. (Delphi & Meteoraauntie char just got caught up on your blog...never a dull moment! your experiences will enrich your life forever. love
re: I touched the world's Navel. (Delphi & MeteoraLinda Williams So beautiful Larae
re: I touched the world's Navel. (Delphi & MeteoraMama Cat I love the way you always put a photo of some yummy food...just when its supper time for me...i want that salad NOW!!! You lucky girl you...keep up with the blogs...we are loving the reads from our home...
re: Naxos - Largest and most fertile of the Cyclades!mom Looks divine there Larae!! I dont think I know many people who have been invited to hang out with the staff in different places!! What 3 things were.checked off the lust...scuba, running to the ferry in your pjs and what else? ;). Love you be safe....Think of me as I sit in the rink at Union College in New York...wish u could have had this experience too!! Mom
re: Naxos - Largest and most fertile of the Cyclades!jkloewen Hey Larae, I really enjoyed your blog writings. Greece sounds amazing! You are not afraid to make mistakes, great quality. Never lose that.
re: Santorini: Southernmost of the Cycladesglenn ball Pretty amazing Ray....You are having some great experiences...We really enjoy reading your blogs and it is comforting to know that you are safe....GandC
re: Barcelona x 2Mom Hey Larae, enjoyed your newest entry. Aren't you glad all travellers aren't like your stinky foot lady! Was she Norwegian or just a traveller giving Oslo a bad name? Have fun and be safe. Enjoy the journey...Love Mom
re: Feeling Greece-y in Athens!