Hey that's more like it, thanks for following these adventures! Take care!
So, I'm seeing Dino's Mum tomorrow, but i'm missing the rest of the promised photos... mmpf.
Jetty Und Mama Renate Und Wuff Debby
Nerv, der Bart...was ist mit dem Bart?!
Happy Birthday Dino!
Und Gratulation an Dom zum neuen Tauchschein! habt spaß
Jetty Und Mama Renate Und Debby
Hallo ihr Reisenden!! Mal wieder McDonalds in Berlin, und wieder wir drei. Waren sehr erleichter von euch zu hören und auch neue Bilder zu sehen. Aber ich glaube deine Mutter ist erst wieder glücklich, wenn ihr in heimatliche Gefilde seid!
viele liebe Grüße
von der Heimatfront
PS: Wir überlegen ob Domenic nicht seinen Bart behalten möchte, er gefällt uns! ;-)
Hi to you both -- greatly relieved that you are nowhere near the catostrophe in Christchurch -- it sounds devastating. We had a message from Vicky at 8.30 this morning saying where were you?? so have sent her the link to your blog. So -- everyone concerned! Do take care of each other and stay safe. We are off to India on Friday -- have 10 days in national wildlife parks so hope to see lots of animals, tigers of course!! have been concentrating on getting fit (not that we'd expect to outrun a tiger!!) but to cope generally with any walking/climbing --could I get up a tree? ---- then again do tigers climb trees?? -- as well as the parks we have a couple of days in Delhi at the start of the holiday and then we finish with a visit to the Taj -- will be back here on Sunday 13 March.
Happy birthday Doreen on the 10th
Much love to you both
Rose and Stuart
Hi to you both, great pics. Loved seeing Great Ocean Road, we have some of the same pics from this time last year. Never been to Hawkes Bay but it was the site of my first oil exploration job 43 years ago!! Seismic data processed half way around the world in S London. Did you see any evidence of the oil production there now. Other area I remember was Taranaki.
Vote in States for new Housing Minister tomorrow. Some sunny days but more wet days, soon be spring/summer.
Travel Safely. Stuart/Rosemarie
Jetty Und Mama Renate Und Debby
hallo Ihr zwei!!!! sitzen bei McDonalds und haben grad eure Bilder angeschaut! Wir sind begeistert, das es Internet gibt!
Haltet uns auf dem laufenden!
Die drei aus Berlin
Mum And Dad
Must have given you the extra room for the koala and his eucalyptus!
How long do you have in Melbourne?
Lovely photos.
Nadine And Matt
Une autre idee pour 'Port Fairy', Est ce que les lumieres avaient un theme de Noel? Si non,. en anglais, les lumieres s'appellent 'Fairy lights', donmc peut etre qu'ils les laissent toute l'annee parce que ca fait reference au nom de la ville!
Dom: Hmm interesting thought... possible en effet...
Mum And Dad
Hey! surely there must be some cybercafés along the south coast of Australia!
Where's the update?
Going to spend the weekend with Antoine and Stany - haven't seen them for a few years either! - so won't be near cybercafés either!!! but will probably log in on Sat. am and Sun evening - so don't hesitate to send your messages!!!
Hope you're having a great time and that's it's not TOO hot for you both - and not too many insects either!
Lotsa love, Mum and Dad; XXXX
Mum And Dad
Nice little blog and some lovely photos. Not surprised you're not too bothered about staying in Adelaide with only those prehistoric kangaroo bones to look at!l They must have been big roos in those days!
Did you order your koala to pick up on your way out? Make sure you get an eucalyptus with plenty of leaves!
Nothing really to report - Dad is pleased to have finished his weekend. There were 1200 youngsters from the 6èmes in all Paris in the church on Saturday afternoon as part of a retreat - they had a few groups scattered around and then they all walked to Notre Dame for a mass there. They should also have gone together on a bateau-mouche but the level of the river was too high.
We now have an electronic keyboard courtesy of a roumanian couple from the church - so Dad is playing at the moment - we have it on its stand in the dining-room.
Sue and Tom are coming on 6th Feb. for four days - they found a Ryanair offer for 7€ each - one way - they had to pay more for the return! but were still quite happy to have managed to get the tickets.
Take care driving - what type of car will you have? and enjoy your ride!
lotsa love to you both, Mum and Dad. xxxxxxxxxxxxx