Well we're in Melbourne for New Years and we, are, broke! Between us we've got $39. Not a bad effort when you want to go out. On the plus side laws has managed to get us a job painting from some girl he's met online, not only that but while we're sat in the campsite feeling sorry for ourselves she's now rang us to take us out. We take some persuading, I honestly don't know why looking back. But she manages it and a night out with her and two of her friends in the city pursues. A few sights, some pubs and the city fireworks are our entertainment for the night. They were fairly entertaining too. Still with our typical English culture inside us I do remember getting told off on a couple of occasions for keep sneaking off to get more drinks. Was a bit of joint effort from us boys to drink enough for the three girls I think. All in all it's a good night, and we go back to Amy's house (the girl who got us the job). This ends in typical laws and dex style with laws falling asleep on the sofa and me staying up till 6am drinking on my own but chewing the girls ears off. We start work a couple days later, it's a fairly big house but we've only got to do the ceilings and doors so its good price. While working we take Amy's offer of staying at her house. She's the stereotype hippy with her views and over kindness, but she is funny and she shows us some great sites while we're in Melbourne. The funniest I think would be when we go to see a bunch of hippies play an African drum set, now anyone who knows us can you just picture us two fitting in with 60+ people dancing, smoking weed, and playing the drums on a random Wednesday night... Still it's another experience and who doesn't love trying something new. At the end of it all tho we come to spend a lot of time with the family and I can honestly say they done us some great favours and gave loads of helpful tips. Lovely bunch of people. Still, as nice as they were, they were no match for watching the lovely Maria Sharapova live at the Australian open. Don't get me wrong we also watched the men's world no.1 Novak, but he was no comparison for the lovely Sharapova's high pitched grunts and squeals. So after a couple weeks in Melbourne, are longest stay of the road trip and in all admittance my favourite city so far. Now it's back on the road towards Sydney, that destination gets changed very quickly tho...
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