Well the big day finally came round after 6 months of waiting, stemming from the initial visa application. If you class pub talk in the waiting, we can say this trip had been planned vividly for just over two years. In secret of course due to the cheeky fact we weren't single boys all of that time.
But as they say boys will be boys and we got our dream trip in the end...
Now the last few days leading up to leaving were both quite exciting and emotional for myself, a lot ppl I didn't expect made a big effort to help me and see me off. Which took me by surprise, also a few of my closest were not to be seen. But as you grow older in life I suppose a lot of defining moments in maturity shape your friendships. All that aside after a few crazy nights out stemming from the thurs night to the Sunday I was quite honestly f***ed! I was still hungover on the tues, no big surprise what with the nerves making sleep difficult. But as the day arose on me I couldn't help but feel completely in my own world. All I could think about was the trip and nothing around me was really being registered... It was a great last day and my old lady made a real effort knocking an early morning trip to London for some clobber out, before getting home to pack. Once all this was done it was the journey for the big send off, I had the close ones with me for it so I was happy. Then as I meet my counterpart in the airport I see all his ones there too. Right royal send off, which if I'm honest made me slightly nervous. After about an hour of chatting we do the big send off. Lots of hugs and kisses go by then were off, looking back I got to say wasn't half as bad as I thought and the women done well holding back the tears till we was out of eye sight. As we finally sit down to the plane we both seem a bit lost in our thoughts. But still we was on our way to Hong Kong and if I'm honest after the last year id had it was the best feeling ever....
• Hong Kong-All over
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