So we are here, and after 12hrs on a plane and over 24hrs since I last slept I was ready for a sleep. But being the classic laid back, care free little sods we are... Unfortunately even tho it was 9pm local time we had no where to stay and hadn't researched where we should be going remotely. Epic fail! After a couple hours of trains and stomping through the back streets trying to barter with hotel owners on prices in tai po market we found a place relatively cheap enough to stay. The next day we realise our stupidity and plan what we want to do in the short time we are here, and set off. We go to see temples, markets and generally hit every point our little map of the place we purchased from the train station tells us. As much as the place wasn't the tidiest, far from in honesty and the humidity when lugging the back pack around was a graft in itself. But and a real big BUT this place was a real eye opener into a different culture and I loved it. So now we've covered as much as we could, in our time frame and were onto Macao....
P.S were back to Hong Kong for the journey to Australia, but for now...
• Macao-Little Vegas.
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