The Radweg
Well I'm trying to decide on my way out of Dresden tomorrow. I want to ride but there is really no good route to Weimar. I am considering going back to Leipzig first since I saw very little of it before. From there I could take the Saale cycle route south near Weimar. But I'm apprehensive. It was the Saale radweg that was so bad outside of Halle. I don't think I'm up for too much lunar riding in this heat. But I can't help feeling like a cheater just taking the train to Weimar. But also I am looking forward to being in Bavaria and riding to Weimar could stretch that arrival out by another week. Who knows? I'll decide tonight over beer. Dresden is interesting. A place of so much devistation has responded with one the livliest tourist trades I've seen. I was one of them today- a good little tourist. There are remarkable art collections here. Plus the architecture is gothic, French, baroque, and really fun. There is the most amazing museum of armor and weapons from Europe in the 15th -18th centuries. Even for people who can't get into arms and armor the stuff is just incredible. Also Dresden has the best, most dynamic, and most alive nightlife that I've seen. It cooled just enough to be bearable today. Tomorrow I'm starting with a short excursion outside of town to the Karl May museum. Who is he you ask? Well he is the author who made the mythic American Wild West famous in Germany. Interestingly I've seen numerous posters in Dresden saying "Remember American Natives." Then at the bottom there is a supposed quote from the Cree Indians. It's in German. But enough of Dresden I think. I have been nowhere with more English signs and English store names like The Chill House, Classic American Bar, Jim Beam's American Bar, Boots and Shoes (which should indicate that their selling boats but whatever), and many more. It's like Berlin too. When I order food in German they speak back to me in English. It's odd. Well I'm not feeling the old journal writing magic today. My wit went with the rainclouds or something. Goodnight or good morning I guess. Tschüß.
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