Claire n Dazzaz page kicks your pages but :L lol. update this you 2, fill me in on your exciting adventures
Mo Broon
still no sign of my xmas card or mrs brown from number 8 so its safe to assume that the contents of ur mail were not suitable for elderly people. hope uz r havin a good time, we've all been walking scarfwards and keeking through holes here
Maria Monaghan
C,mon guys get the pics up!! Oh happy new year 2 you both xxx
Mum H
hi son , c mon how about some more pics put on this site and another funny wee blog, rem we are all back to work tomorrow here in dumbarton, so we need cheered up , love you millions love to derm , and hope jenna is enjoying herself, take care , xxxxx
hey buttheads, hope you had a good new year although think we beat you, we had half naked brazilian ladies, bbq and a pool party what you think.
cant wait to meet up but i think my liver could probably do with a delay .-)
love you long time xxx
Sharon, Brian, Bobby & "bump"
Happy New Year to you both, keep up the partying. xxx
Mick And Louise Ann
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XXXXXXXX
Mum & Dad
Happy New Year Guys, looks although you are both still loving it, enjoy New Zealand and tell Ciara and her Irish mob all the best, take care and be in touch. ( those sums are getting harder)
Mum and Dad ( Joe & Carol)
Louise Ann
Hi Guys, hope you had a great christmas, hope you are having fun. Jenna, add some photos soon. Missing you already. You haven't missed much here at all, Lucy hasn't been well since you left she has her back teeth coming through and she is in so much pain its awful.Still freezing here and cant move for snow. Speak to you soon Love Lou Ann xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well Jenna will be there now.Hope you have a fantastic time.Grt to speak to you on Christmas day.Sounds like you and Shaun had a fab time over the Christmas.Hope the three of you have a grt New Year along with all the grt new friends.Miss you
Love e-Mum
The Irish Girls Real Boyfriend
i call my d*** the dumpling
Pauline, Thomas, Lauren And Daniel
Great to see that you're having such a fantastic time. Have a great Christmas and I'll check out the site in a few days to see your sunny Christmas photos