Hi Shaun, I can't believe you were caught up in all that, thank god you are both safe and well.
Keep safe.
Lots of love xxxx
Claire And Darren
hey guys i cant believe that gives you goose bumps just reading it. im so glad you are ok, i cant believe how close you came to it being the other way.
hopefuly still see you in a few days and beers are on us (one round haha!)
love you long time xxx
Shauns Dad
For all the friends who have seen the news, they are safe and well
An E Mail from Shaun:-dunno if youv seen the news about machu pichu . we´d walked and camped for 2 days over a 4000m mountain to our campsite . we were supposed to head to machu pichu the next day but in the morning we were told its too dangerous to go on . the had there worst storms in decades and they had to shut the inca trail for the first time ever . there was landslides , rivers overflowing , bridges collapsing and telephone poles falling . everyone had to evacuate the mountain . on our way back we had to sprint over collapsing bridges jump rivers and edge our way over cliffs about 2 feet wide over drops of a few hundred meters . we had to cross a landslide . the dirt was slipping under our feet when we had to cross it . we were inches away from the drop . after we crossed it the next group after us (about 20 mins later ) tried to cross the same thing and it collapsed and some fell and died . we had to run to the only bridge off the mountain . ( we heard its collapsed now , we only got back this mornin). we were the last group to get off the mountain . theres still about 1500 people trapped there , theres no money left in the atms up there so noone has money to do anything . so far theres a minimum of 10 people died up there but people are going to be trapped for another 2-3 days
Our thoughts are with those less fortunate
have seen floods and mudslides in cuzco. contact as soon as you are able to and let us know you are both ok.lots of love e-mum
alright sean son hope ur enjoyin ursel bud atleast u got a good tim lookin after u all the best son kevin
Sharon, Brian, Bobby & "bump"
Great to see more photos and an updated blog too, your really spoiling us. Saw the Robbie Warner carbonara, could this be the same Robbie Warner that I work with???
Have fun in New Zealand, and keep updating the photos. xxxx
i miss u boys :( xxx
the photos just kept coming and coming and coming. they are great
You are all looking good.Great to see more photos.Thanks Jennax
Enjoy NZ.Take care and look after each other.Lots of lovexxx
Mum H
hi son so thats you in new zealand now, i seen by the pics that oz was brill great to see you all looking so happy , hope you manage to meet up with darren and claire in chillie love you millions , love to derm xxxxx
Shauns Mum
hi jenna , youre holiday pics look brill, glad to see you all having such a good time together, wont be long to they are home.