hi shaun and diarmaid youre pictures look brill,glad yous are having a great time, the bugs are so disgusting, shaun granny m sends her love , take care xxxxx
Hi Diarmaid and Shawn hope your enjoying your bangkok trip (try not to fall lol). I'm lovin havin your big ass tv. The bugs you ate looked minging and what the hell is a waterbug. I'll send yous another message when your in Aus.
Hi Diarmaid and Shawn hope your enjoying your bangkok trip (try not to fall lol). I'm lovin havin your big ass tv. The bugs you ate looked minging and what the hell is a waterbug. I'll send yous another message when your in Aus.
Great to see some photos. Look as if you are having a ball.
Love e-mum
Louise Ann And Mick
Hi Diarmaid
you look burlin on your travels lol. Food looks rotten!!!!!!! dunno how you go from fudge cake to insects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you are both having a good time. Lucy thinks shes gallas Alice walking about the living room today.
Will message again soon byeeeeee xxxxxxxx
hey boys!!
i'm just in from cheers n thought i'd check if u had been on. how much of a loser am i? lol. photos are excellent. yous look asthough your having a ball!! u suit the bumblebee derm ;)
love you guys!!! missed yous tonight xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Darren And Claire
hey you two hope your enjoying it so far and not blown all your money on booze on the first day. derm mind and let us know your flights dates and stuff for south america we still not booked ours yet?
see ya x
watch out it could be a man!
(Elaine) Mum
Hope you have a fantastic time.Take care of yourselves and look after each other(Sent a message last night dont know where its gone)Hope this arrives.Love e-Mum (so know difference)
hi you two have loads of fun , and be safe look out for each other xxxxx
hey guys!! just a wee quick message (was with yous less than 2 hours ago lol) have fun! look after each other