alright elaine warner
we got direction through text to our home for the next 3 weeks . so we had to drive through sydney for a while traking down the irish girls home in randwick . after bout an hour we finally found them. they made our dinner then we headed out for our first saturday night in sydney (or should i say ireland) we went to a pub in the city center full of irish people . we went for a sunday sesh in bondi junction , me and diarmaid got kicked out for being too drunk , even though we were both stone cold sober . we had to drink glasses of water before we bought beer . the ozzy bouncers are no robbie king .. the whole area we stayed in was full of irish . we barely met australlians in sydney . we stayed on the girls fold out couch in the living room , we went out a few times or just stayed in watchin tv drinkin goon. we went out to see all the sights in sydney , the bridge , the opera house etc , its a pretty cool place . a couple of girls got jobs that first week , so we went to the beaches most days , bondi beach is packed but not as good as we'd heard . some of the other girls we'd met we're stayin in a differant area next to the beach in coogee so we ussually went there .diarmaid had his cousin out in sydney so he went out to meet him for dinner , he had the biggest ribswe'd ever seen . hutchy had a popcorn dinner at the cinema that night . we then met up with him for a bbq at his house then led them astray by takin them to the pub , even though they had work the next day , we were well looked after . christmas was weird in austraila , we had a proper christmas dinner on christmas eve which was qaulity (which the girls cooked for us , we done the washin up ) then headed out to one of the irish pubs in bondi for a night out and had an amazing night . christmas morning we went to church , it was well weird , another irish occasion , everyone was wearing their gaelic football tops . diarmaid wore the bumblebee and hutchy was forbidden from wearing his rangers top by everyone , so he wore an argentina one . after that we headed to coogee for our ozzy christmas barbie . there was around 20 of us there for dinner hutchy and and an irish guy cooked it while the irish nurse fixed diarmaids foot (which he injured 2 months earlier in cairns , stealin stolen nutella ). we put on our santa hats and headed to the beach for a christmas swim in the rain . when we got back the party started to kick off , eventually there was around 50 people , 47 irish , 2 scotthish and one ozzy (who claims hes scott mcdonalds cousin , but we didnt believe him ). we had an amazing party that night , crowd surfing and everything . we all crashed out on the floor after a weird incident with a naked man and one of the irish girls . diarmaid had to escort the naked man out . oz guys are creeps . next morning was race day at randwick race course . it was free in for everyone exept the ozzy's . we managed to sneak in some goon and bet on the races , hutchy left with a prize of $67 and diarmaid won $29 . free days out , cannae complain . was amazing though . went out to a coogee pub and spent our winnings , and got everyone doing pressups in a game we picked up on frasier , dont ask the rules if you dont want to play . the next day we all died in our randwick home and awaited the arrival of ms burch the following morning .
see you later dugmeat
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