alritey pope john paul
diarmaid picked up jen for sydney airport in the pourin rain.(thanks for bringin the scottish weather with you jen !!)hutchy was rudely awoken by the door as diarmaid and jenna arrived ( thanks jen !!) but was soon happy when he recieved his present of morgans spice ( thanks jen !!) . that day we took jenna out to see the nicest pub in boni junction , where we met nicola , an old friend of jenna and had a few drinks there . joined in the kareoke sesh where me and diarmaid belted out our version of 500 miles where we were met by silence ( i thought we were good ). nicola stole the show singin keep on rollin , again met by silence . damn ozzy's . the next day we went out to see the sights . took a train across the harbour bridge then waited about an hour to get a boat back . not fun . hot and shweaty . met up with nicola a few more nights leadin up to new year . at new year we all went down to a park across from the bridge to watch the fireworks were we could bring our own drink . we got there about half 3 and stayed right through till bout half 2 .theres was around 20-30 of us among the crowd of 9000 . we had a great day building up to the bells , everyone was hammer drunk . even built some human pyramids , take that egypt . at the bells we were singing auld lang syne 9just the 4 scots ) and got told to be quiet by some nosey neighbours , losers . we left that park and went to another public park to finish our drink and climb some trees . sydney trees are the best to climb . got home about half 5 , we sat up to have another beer then went to sleep for a couple of hours before headin to the pub for hogmanay , the bells were at 11am (thats new year back home btw ) hutchy and some of the irish girls left a bit earlier to make sure we got in to the irish pub holding the party , diarmaid and jenna probly should have done the same as it was to busy to let them in . instead they had to have a traditional scottish new year and celebrate with a carryout in the street . hutchy got inside and had a great night , diarmaid and jenna met nicola , finished his carryout and went to another pub . good times all round . 11am new year was much better than than sydney new year . good times all round
happy new year everyone
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