September 19th- September 22nd
Ko Toa was a beautiful island, filled with lots of shops and restaurants....all lit up with pretty laterns and lights. The island was very quiet and there never seemed to be many people around, which after two overnight bus journeys and a boat was not a bad thing!!!!
The island appeared to focus on diving and thre were countless diving shops around.....we still need to complete our diving course, however due to Mr Griffin and his 'major' surgery we can't do this just yet!!!
One thing we have noticed during our travels so far is the excessive amount of dogs.....what is disturbing about this is the comment made by a Thai man on our trek, who said that there was a lot of dogs around 'for now' however 'this would definitley change by the new year'.....after googling 'what colour is dog meat when it is cooked' it has led to Mel considering being a vegeterian and Declan.....well obviously it hasn't affected his appetite for meat!!!
As we have been relaxing for the last few days and doing sod all we decided this blog should be about different Nationalities and things we've noticed so far.
The French.
Not only are the French surrender monkeys,while travelling we have noticed they are pompous, loud and irksome. These statements are not without merit, 6am after a long and hot night packed onto a coach (with Mexicans, but we'll get to them later) a French looking Jesus proceeded to shout la-de-da words with an American, who was as intelligent as a block of wood, for the whole 20minute drive to the pier. He irritated us because of his offensive clothing and beard, more so though was the French chuckle he let out whenever the Yank bumbled her french lingo. He also looked like Jamie Theakston, which as we all know is not something to be proud of.
The Yanks.
Having mentioned the Yank on the bus with us and Frenchie-la-Rue, most Americans seem obsessed with being the centre of attention. This in your face attitude coupled with their need to tell you all about their lives in 30 seconds makes exchanges with Americans very 1 sided. The girl on our trek, although overly friendly, seemed to hate it when other people, mainly Dec, cracked jokes and 'stole and limelight'. They also seem very dim and incapable of being without electronic devices. All that being said, we have waited till the 3 blog to mention, Elton John.
Ahhhhhhh Elton John, we s*** you not that was his name. We met the lovely Elton on our first trip after arriving in Thailand. He was a well spoken "190 pound 6 foot black guy" (his words) who told us a considerable amount about his own life and places we should visit. The best part about meeting Elton was however about 15 minutes into our conversation when he tole us his name. Its was beyond obvious that Declan wanted to laugh out loud when he told us his name however we held it together and didnt crack.
Mexicans are the sole reason for the blog even mentioning other nations. Picture the scene, a night bus, the middle of the night, halfway down to Ko Tao. Everyone had been on the bus for about 2 hours, we sat up and watched a film on the ipad while the 5 people in our little section of the coach had some sleep, we had plugged in headphones and reduced the brightness just so we didnt wake anyone. We stop. The lights go on and the driver tells us we are having a half hour break.the half hour turned into 2 hours as the coach overheated and wouldnt start. we thought fine, we'll go back to our chairs and sleep, everyone in our section was outside waiting. A french couple from our section got back on and copied us in trying to sleep, night buses are incredibly uncomfortable and having it staionary for a while is a good chance to drift off. The Mexicans however start having a drink, the driver tells everyone to get back on the coach, its now 2ish. Partytime for our 3 boring as f*** Mexican women who start shouting utter drivel at each other for the next 3 hours. We honestly thought Britain had some of the most ignorant people imaginable but Mexicans really do take the biscuit. Aviod them at all costs. After this exchange Declan said that Mexicans were dead to him......however shortly after this he was found to be digging in to chicken fajitas!!!!
Anywho back to things we've been upto. Mel has managed to lose an amazing amount of our stuff. So much so she can't actually remember the whole list, however it includes: the suncream, a pair of sunglasses, both the waterproof jackets, a sun visor (for Deccy's delicate face) the shower gel and more.......and in less than two weeks.
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